3D – guided planning for implant supported fixed prosthodontics
Viktor Hadzhigaev
Plovdiv Medical University, Bulgaria
: Dent Health Curr Res
Digitalization in dentistry in the time of CAD/CAM technologies reveals new possibilities for modern prosthodontics. The purpose of this lecture is to describe CAD/CAM protocol of 3D – guided planning for implant supported fixed prosthodontics. CAD/ CAM technologies in dental implantology are used for preliminary implant planning, surgical template design, 3D - guided surgery and fabrication of immediate and permanent implant-supported restorations. CAD/CAM applications in implant-supported fixed prosthodontics will be illustrated with own clinical cases made in the CAD/CAM center in the department of prosthetic dentistry, faculty of dental medicine, Medical University–Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Step-by-step full laboratory and clinical protocol of 3D - guided implant planning, surgical guide fabrication, implants placement and fabrication of implant-supported fixed restorations will be present. TRIOS, 3 shape intraoral scanner, 3 shape dental system, 3 shape implant studio software and CAM – 5 S2 impression, VHF were used for the clinical cases. Modern CAD/CAM technologies present opportunities for optimization of the clinical and laboratory work in fixed prosthodontics and implantology.
Viktor Hadzhigaev is currently working in the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Plovdiv Medical University, Bulgaria. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry from 2006 and has completed his Prosthodontics specialization in 2009. He has been a lead lecturer in many dental conferences in Bulgaria, France, Greece, Romania and Turkey. He also has a lot of text publications, oral and poster presentations. a_vlahova@yahoo.com