30 year perspective of chemical peels

Chandran Rajagopal

Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia, Malaysia

: J Aging Geriatr Med


Introduction: The art and science of chemical peelings represent accelerated exfoliation or skin damage induced by caustic agents that cause controlled damage, followed by the release of cytokines and proinflammatory mediators, resulting in thickening of the epidermis, deposition of collagen, reorganization of structural elements and increases in dermal volume. This process decreases solar elastosis caused by sun damage and results in reorientation of the skin with formation new dermal connective tissue, thus providing an improved clinical appearance of the skin, with fewer fine lines and decreased pigmentary dyschromia.

Aim: To provide the science and art of chemical peeling from the breath of my 30 year of experience in using this treatment modality.

Methods: Discussion of the science and theory behind chemical peels. In addition, the practical and systematic view of the indication, contraindications, clinical evaluation, techniques and pitfalls in skin peeling.

Results: Chemical peels are divided into 3 categories depending on the depth of the wound created by the peel. Superficial peels penetrate the epidermis only, medium-depth peels damage the entire epidermis and papillary dermis and deep peels create a wound to the level of the mid reticular dermis. Cover the use of superficial and medium peels in detail to enable its use in day to day aesthetic practice.

Conclusion: The use of chemical peels is limited by the lack of understanding of the basic science of this treatment modality which has shown itself to be an effective and safe treatment in well trained hands. Chemical peeling is a simple yet effective way to rejuvenate the skin. It is here to stay and evolve to various customized peels in years to come.


Chandran Rajagopal has completed his Graduation from the Madras Medical College, University of Madras in 1972. After his Graduation from MMC, he served in the Malaysian Health Service in the fields of Psychiatry and General Surgery. He continued his training in Dermatological Surgery in US with the American Academy of Aesthetic and Restorative Surgery in New Orleans, Louisiana under Professor George Farber and became a Fellow of the Academy and later as an International Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatologists.

E-mail: drchandranmd@gmail.com

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