100 years of plasmapheresis

Ghodrat A Siami

Vanderbilt University, USA

: J Nephrol Ren Dis


Purpose: To investigate the progress of over the last 100 years. Material And Method: To review history of plasmapheresis. Results: First plasmapheresis was done by Abel in 1913 USA. He published on July 16, 1914. He used the word plasmapheresis. Rosenberg and Urevitch performed the first plasmapheresis in 1913 in St. Petersburg, Russia. They acknowledged by Abel. The 100 years anniversary was celebrated in April 2013 in St. Petersburg. Phlebotomy was first used in 1520 and we still use it to treat familial hyperchromatosis. Bloodletting was the ancient way to treat patients. Leeches were also used to remove blood. Transfusion from animal to human was performed in 17 century. Moravits transfused RBC from one dog to another in 1906.The first transfusion was performed in Cleveland, Ohio in 1906. Haas performed dialysis in a dog in 1914 and in human in 1924. Cohn used blood component in WWII. Rotating Drum was used by Kolff in 1942 . Nose used artificial liver in 1960. Malchesky did the first membrane, thermofiltration, and cryojel removal in the USA in 1978. Agishi, from Japan, performed double filtration in 1980. Siami performed cryo-filtration, dual, and tandem with hemodialysis at Vanderbilt University in USA in last 20 years. Several types of LDL pheresis including plasma exchange, membrane, dextran sulfate, HELP system, and immuneabsorption were developed in the last 25 years. Bosch invented DALI system to remove LDL from whole blood in 2001. Today, we are able to do many advanced apheresis, including photopheresis, cryofiltration, chemo absorption, and immune absorption to treat many specific diseases. Conclusion: Today we have developed many advances in plasmapheresis to treat many diseases specially many different immune absorption columns for diseases specific to the patient. They all have been proven to be effective and safe.


Ghodrat A Siami is MD, PhD, Fellow of American College of Physician, and Fellow of American Society of Nephrology, Professor of Medicine and Nephrology at Vanderbilt School of Medicine and was promoted to Professor Emeritus. He served as the President of International Society for Apheresis, and Vice President of Word Apheresis Association. He published more than 100 original papers, book chapters, editorials and abstracts. He presented his original works in more than 160 national and international scientific meetings. He is on the Editorial Board of several journals and Reviewer for FDA. He is a winner of several professional awards including 50 Year’s Service Award from AMA. He chaired the celebration of 100 years of Plasmapheresis in St. Petersburg, Russia. He is still an invited Keynote Speaker around the world.

E-mail: ghodrat.siami@vanderbilt.edu

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