Pharmaceutical Sciences Journals for Librarians
In the present scenario, the renowned Universities and Institutions have a trend to subscribe for the International Journals through their libraries. The renowned librarians from such Institutions search for the best known journal in the related fields. In the field of pharmaceutical sciences, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs is one of the best known pharmaceutical sciences journals for librarians. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs is having subscription based format which provides a wide variety issues concerning pharmaceutical sciences which make it most suitable for renowned librarians to choose it. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs on pharmaceutical sciences follows hybrid open access policy under which authors can either choose open access or subscription based format for publication. Under hybrid model, Journal offers an option for authors to make their individual articles freely accessible to anyone worldwide, for an additional fee and to access the content of subscription based articles journal provides opportunities to university librarians to take subscription of the journal.