Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & TreatmentISSN: 2324-8947

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Opinion Article, J Trauma Stress Disor Treat Vol: 12 Issue: 2

The Consequences of Substance Abuse: Physical, Mental, and Social Impacts

Tang Xing*

Department of Psychology, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK

*Corresponding Author: Tang Xing
Department of Psychology, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK

Received: 25-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. JTSDT-23-88915;
Editor assigned: 27-Jan-2023, PreQC No. JTSDT-23-88915(PQ);
Reviewed: 10-Feb-2023, QC No. JTSDT-23-88915;
Revised: 17-Feb-2023, Manuscript No JTSDT-23-88915(R);
Published: 24-Feb-2023, DOI:10.4172/2324 -8947.1000341

Citation: Xing T (2023) The Consequences of Substance Abuse: Physical, Mental, and Social Impacts. J Trauma Stress Disor Treat 12(2):341

Copyright: © 2023 Xing T. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Substance use disorders (SUDs) are connected to a variety of medical, psychiatric, psychological, spiritual, economic, social, family, and legal issues, causing a significant burden on affected individuals, families, and society. The severity of the disorder, the presence of other serious problems such as psychiatric illness, the behaviors illustrated by the family member with an SUD, the support available for the family, and the family members' coping strategies all influence the effects of an SUD on a specific family or concerned significant other. Some family members are more resilient than others and are less vulnerable to the adverse effects of SUD.

Keywords: Social, Substance use Disorders


Substance use disorders have an impact on individuals’ social functioning and impose a burden on society. These disorders contribute to medical or psychiatric conditions, disability, and death as a result of accidents or diseases caused or exacerbated by substance use, as well as higher rates of suicidality, all of which have an impact on society. Other social issues associated with SUDs include housing insecurity, homelessness, criminal behavior (victim or perpetrator), incarceration, and unemployment or reliance on government assistance. The costs associated with these social problems are staggering, putting an economic burden on governments or payors who spend significant sums of money on treatments for addiction, medical or psychiatric disorders, and other related problems such as welfare dependence, unemployment, or involvement in the criminal justice or social service systems. Drugs are chemicals that have an effect on the body and the brain. Different drugs can have various effects. Some drug effects include long-term and permanent health consequences [1]. They can even persist after the individual has stopped using the substance.

A individual can consume drugs in a variety of ways, including injection, inhalation, and ingestion. The way a drug is administered affects how it affects your body. For example, drug injection into the bloodstream has an immediate effect, whereas ingestion has a delayed effect. However, all drugs that are abused have an effect on the brain. They flood the brain with dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate our emotions, motivation, and feelings of pleasure, resulting in a “high.” Drugs can eventually alter how the brain functions and impair a person’s ability to make decisions, leading to intense cravings and compulsive drug use. This behavior can develop into a substance dependency, or drug addiction, over time. Today, over 7 million people suffer from an illicit drug addiction, and illicit drug use is responsible for one out of every four deaths. In fact, drug abuse is linked to more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities than any other preventable health condition. Addicts to drugs and alcohol are also at a higher risk of unintentional injuries, accidents, and domestic violence incidents [2,3].

Components of comprehensive treatment for SUDs incorporate a continuum of proficient compulsion and related administrations (appraisal, detoxification, restoration, counseling or treatment, proceeding care, substance utilize observing, medicines, case administration, and shared bolster programs). Social, family, and other issues can be tended to through the utilize of family, child care, professional, mental wellbeing and transportation administrations in compulsion treatment organizations or inside the community [4]. Numerous person and bunch medicines for SUDs address social recuperation issues in recuperation, as these have suggestions for backslide and quality of life. These mediations may address issues such as how to: maintain a strategic distance from or minimize contact with high-risk individuals, places or occasions; resolve relationship issues; create unused companionships; create a recuperation organize of calm companions and strong individuals; stand up to social weights to utilize substances; make strides communication or emphaticness aptitudes; inquire for offer assistance and back from others; lock in in substance-free social exercises; lock in in shared back programs; and/ or make revises to those hurt by one’s SUD. Family intercessions can offer assistance the family impact or weight the part with the SUD to enter treatment and get offer assistance, address the effect of the SUD on the family framework and individuals, offer assistance the family back the part with the SUD, and offer assistance the family address their claim responses and issues related with their adored one’s SUD. The latter may include support in treatment, family back programs, or both. There’s impressive writing supporting couples and family approaches to SUDs. These may decrease the passionate burden for family individuals and enable them to manage more successfully with the influenced family part. The taking after are techniques adjusted from the literature on engagement, treatment, and recuperation to assist families.

Families frequently advantage from common back programs like Al-Anon or Nar-Anon, which give them the opportunity to memorize from others influenced by a cherished one’s SUD. These programs basically point to urge family individuals to focus on themselves and what they can do to form positive changes. At first, it is common for families to center most of their consideration on the part with the SUD. Be that as it may, these programs point to urge families to center on their possess needs and lock in in recuperation to address these needs. Families can be made a difference to get it the effect of SUDs on children and looking at how their possess children may have been hurt by the SUD within the family. Guardians with SUDs can be energized to conversation with their children almost their effect on their family and the children, and keep up an open discourse with kids to address their sentiments, questions, or concerns [5]. They can offer assistance kids learn around SUDs, treatment, and recuperation. Building up normal routines and ceremonies within the domestic, taking an dynamic intrigued within the child’s life, locks in them in family exercises, and encouraging an assessment for a child with a psychiatric or substance utilize clutter are other ways of making a difference the family.


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