Review Article, J Comput Eng Inf Technol Vol: 7 Issue: 1
Raising the Turn Out of Using Online Services Focusing on the Egyptian Case
Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim*
Assistant professor, Northern Border University, KSA
*Corresponding Author : Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim
Assistant professor, Northern Border University, KSA
Tel: 01009270636
Received: August 16, 2017 Accepted: January 11, 2018 Published: January 16, 2018
Citation: Ibrahim AIH(2018) Raising the Turn Out of Using Online Services Focusing on the Egyptian Case. J Comput Eng Inf Technol 7:1. doi: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000191
Applying e-government has many benefits for both citizens and government. The Egyptian government officially declared its intention to develop its e-government program in July 2001. The program began in January 2004 to provide government services to citizens online. Therefore, this research aims to describe and explain the Egyptian case (as developing nation) regarding and its experiment in applying e-government and lessons learned from other countries, to apply what match the Egyptian situation. It also seeks to identify the most important problems and obstacles that prevent citizens from using electronic services. The results of this research are meant to provide recommendations to improve e-government services, and consequently to raise the turnout of using online services.