Research Article, J Otol Rhinol Vol: 7 Issue: 3
Odontogenic Infection Secondary to Endodontic Treatment Complicated with Masticatory and Temporal Abscess: Case Report
Cavalheiro MN1*, de Lima LV2, Mesti JC1, Taninaka EH1, Fujiwara RHT1 and Zambon LA1
1ENT Service, Brazilian Red Cross Hospital, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
2Researcher of Lauro Grein Filho Reseach Center, Brazilian Red Cross Hospital, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
*Corresponding Author : Mariana Nagata Cavalheiro
ENT Service, Brazilian Red Cross Hospital, Mons, Ivo Zanlorenzi St., No. 2537, apartment 302, bloc 1, Mossungue district, Curitiba-PR, Postal code: 81210-000, Brazil
Tel: +554199681-0681
Received: November 20, 2017 Accepted: March 18, 2018 Published: June 12, 2018
Citation: Cavalheiro MN, de Lima LV, Mesti JC, Taninaka EH, Fujiwara RHT (2018) Odontogenic Infection Secondary to Endodontic Treatment Complicated with Masticatory and Temporal Abscess: Case Report. J Otol Rhinol 7:3. doi: 10.4172/2324-8785.1000347
Introduction: Odontogenic infection may happen due to toothalveolar infections. The infection can affect the subfascial spaces, especially when affecting the lower molars, although formation of temporal abscesses is unusual. Such abscesses occur with pain, edema, erythema, trismus, fever, and diagnostic confirmation comes from Tomography/Resonance of the Face and laboratory tests. Recommended treatment involves hospitalization, support, empirical antibiotic therapy-Secondarily directed by culture and antibiogram-and surgical drainage.
Objective: To Report an unusual case of complex odontogenic infection and its therapeutic approach.
Resumed Report: A 60-year-old female presented pain and edema on left hemi face after endodontic treatment of the
second lower molar, treated with oral antibiotics. After five days: clinical worsening, being referred to the Red Cross Hospital–Paraná, presenting trismus, edema in left temporal and malar regions, without floating point. Tomography and Resonance of the Face: net collection in anterior region of left masticator and temporal spaces, edema of the masticatory musculature. We have proceeded with hospitalization and treatment with intravenous Ceftriaxone, Clindamycin and corticosteroid for 4 days, without any improvement. Surgical collection drainage conducted in left masticator and temporal spaces, keeping Penrose drain for 5 days. Favorable evolution and hospital discharge followed, with oral antibiotic and corticosteroid therapy for 10 days. Ambulatory denouement: no signs or symptoms of infection, referral to dentist for follow-up.
Conclusion: Odontogenic infections can evolve to extensive abscesses, systemic impairment and sepsis. Despite clinical efforts, early diagnosis and surgical approach are the most important measures on complex infections.