Research Article, Rrpy Vol: 1 Issue: 4
Improving Psychotic Symptoms to Addicted Patients: the Antipsychotics Medication Helped Finding the Primary Diagnose
Vjollca N Ramiqi*, Pierre MonpremierPsychiatrist, Center Clinique University Republic of Kosovo
*Corresponding Author : Vjollca N Ramiqi
Department of Psychiatry, Center
Clinique University Republic of Kosovo, Prishtinë, Republic of Kosovo
Received: September 24, 2020 Accepted: October 09, 2020 Published: October 16, 2020
Citation: Ramiqi VN, Monpremier P (2020) Improving Psychotic Symptoms to Addicted Patients: the Antipsychotics Medication Helped Finding the Primary Diagnose. rrpy 1:4.
Does mental illness cause drug problems; it can be hard to tell which problem came first –the drugs or the mental illness. Having a mental illness can make a person more likely to abuse the drugs, make their symptoms feel better in the short term. Although there is a fewer study on comorbidity among youth, researcher suggests that adolescent with substance use disorders also have high rates of cooccurring mental illness; over 60 percent of adolescents in community –based substance use disorder treatment programs also meet diagnostic criteria for another mental illness. Data show high rates of comorbid substance using disorder and anxiety disorders, panic disorder, and post-traumatic disorder. The data show up the high rates also with affective disorder especially bipolar and psychotic disorder
Keywords: Psychology, psychiatry, Neuroscience
Does mental illness cause drug problems; it can be hard to tell which problem came first –the drugs or the mental illness. Having a mental illness can make a person more likely to abuse the drugs, make their symptoms feel better in the short term. Although there is a fewer study on comorbidity among youth, researcher suggests that adolescent with substance use disorders also have high rates of cooccurring mental illness; over 60 percent of adolescents in community –based substance use disorder treatment programs also meet diagnostic criteria for another mental illness. Data show high rates of comorbid substance using disorder and anxiety disorders, panic disorder, and post-traumatic disorder. The data show up the high rates also with affective disorder especially bipolar and psychotic disorder.
Methodology of this investigation was discovering during the treatment for drugs abusing to find the primary illness. Well, finding the basis issue was helping for continuing treatment advice in future. (Figure 1 and Figure 2)
So, data showing, the response treatment of antipsychotic medication helped us discovering the primary diagnosis. Another side, it was important for parents which were interesting investing for rehabilitation treatment to understand the basic issue for their child. Knowing than they had another primary issue which inducted abusing the symptoms it’s the low cost for them. Understanding than the primary treatment is with medication it’s another way welcomed and satisfaction for Research shows that people who have some kind of supportive relationship generally find it easier to tackle their problem. Having someone around to encourage. you is important because there is someone to talk to if times get tough, and to help you learn new ways of dealing with old problems. People with mental illness experience drug problems at far higher rates than general community. Studies suggest that both conditions are correctly diagnosed and receive the appropriate treatment.
Anyone who was vulnerable to, mental illness is therefore strongly discouraged from using drugs. Any time psychotic symptoms appear when taking prescription medication. Psychosis can also become more likely when these medication are abused .When it comes to nonprescription intoxicants the likelihood of psychotic symptoms appearing and what that looks like ,varies from substance to substance .For example ,taking a large amount of cocaine all at once can cause psychosis in minute .Psychosis from cocaine or amphetamine use typically produces persecutory delusions.
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