Clinical Dermatology Research JournalISSN: 2576-1439

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Research Article, Clin Dermatol Res J Vol: 8 Issue: 1

Huge Scrotal Skin Tag; Case Report

Hussein Shaher* and Hosam Abu-Elnasr*

Department of Urology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Al Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt

*Corresponding Author:Dr. Hussein Shaher
Department of Urology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Al Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt.

Received date: 26 February, 202 3, Manuscript No. CDRJ-2 -64125;
Editor assigned date: 28 February, 202 3, PreQC No. CDRJ-2 -64125 (PQ);
Reviewed date: 15 March, 202 3, QC No. CDRJ-2 -64125;
Revised date: 22 March, 202 3, Manuscript No. CDRJ-2 -64125 (R);
Published date: 30 March, 202 3, DOI: 10.4172/Cdrj.1000250

Keywords: Fibro epithelial polyp, Skin tag, Huge mass, Human papilloma virus


Background: Fibro epithelial polyp is another name of skin tag which always diagnosed clinically but on the other hand, unusual cases need histopathological examination for its diagnosis. Objective: To report a case of unusual skin tag and discuss varieties in skin tags. Materials and Methods: A 42 years old attended to the clinic complaining of huge mass originating from his scrotum which grew slowly over two years. Under local anesthesia the lesion was excised completely without any residual tissue. Results: The mass was sent for histopathological examination and revealed fibro epithelial polyp with surface ulceration, free from malignant changes. Conclusion: Large skin tags should be carefully evaluated. We advise our physicians to remember giant skin tag diagnosis in the differential diagnosis of any large skin tumor. Keywords: Fibro epithelial polyp, Skin tag, Huge mass, Human papilloma virus


Fibro epithelial polyp is another name of skin tag which always diagnosed clinically but on the other hand, unusual cases need histopathological examination for its diagnosis. Skin tags incidence rises with age as about half of people have by minimum one skin tag, so it is very common and affect both genders as equal.

Materials and Methods

In Figure 1 a 42 years old attended to the clinic complaining of huge mass originating from his scrotum which grew slowly over two years. On physical examination there was huge pedunculated mass measuring about 7 x 5 cm soft, fleshy with ulcerative area and arisingfrom skin of lower part of scrotum. The patient has no past history of medical importance and no other same lesion in his body. His routine laboratory investigations like liver, kidney function tests and complete blood picture and coagulopathy profile were normal. Figure 1: Skin tag arises from the scrotum. In Under local anesthesia the lesion was excised completely without any residual tissue and the base of the lesion was sutured with 2/0 vicryl sutures. On follow up, the lesion was not recurred at six months post excision.


The mass was sent for histopathological examination and revealed fibro epithelial polyp with surface ulceration, free from malignant changes.


There is lack of data about skin tags in the literature especially lesions affecting male genitalia. Skin tags are usually present on neck, eye lids, maxillae, trunk, groin, and on the lumbar area with smooth or irregular surface. Local trauma or torsion and rarely infarction make the lesions painful, however it is always asymptomatic. Regarding the etiology, many theories were postulated as metabolic disease, genetic predisposition, hyper insulinemia and even virus infection, but no factor of these was present in our case. Simple excision under local anesthesia was done also large skin tag 6 x 4 x 3 cm and a small lesion above it but the histo pathological assessment revealed verruca anogenitalis raising the susceptibility of viral infection by human papilloma virus. Simple excision is not the only choice for treatment but electro cauterization and cryotherapy are also other modalities of treatment. Thapa et al. presented a large pedunculated skin tag over the inner side of the left thigh for six years which measured 6 x 84 cm in sixty years old man. The hypothesis of the role of human papilloma virus in progression of coetaneous soft fibroma was endorsed by one of the series done by Dianzani and colleagues who revealed presence of HPV type 6/11 in 88% of the examined skin tags.


Large skin tags should be carefully evaluated. We advise our physicians to remember giant skin tag diagnosis in the differential diagnosis of any large skin tumor.

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