Journal of Nursing & Patient CareISSN: 2573-4571

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Perspective, J Nurs Patient Care Vol: 8 Issue: 1

Exploring the Main Features of Clinical Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice, Patient-Centered Care

Khurshide Bozor*

1Department of Nursing, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent 100174, Uzbekistan

*Corresponding Author:Khurshide Bozor
Department of Nursing, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent 100174, Uzbekistan

Received date: 16 February, 2023, Manuscript No. JNPC-23-93397;

Editor assigned date: 20 February, 2023, PreQC No. JNPC-23-93397 (PQ);

Reviewed date: 10 March, 2023, QC No. JNPC-23-93397;

Revised date: 17 April, 2022, Manuscript No JNPC-23-93397 (R);

Published date: 24 April, 2023, DOI: 10.4172/2573-4571.1000022

Citation: Bozor K (2023) Exploring the Main Features of Clinical Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice, Patient-Centered Care. J Nurs Patient Care 8:1.

Keywords: Clinical nursing


Clinical nursing is an essential aspect of healthcare that involves the provision of direct patient care. It involves the application of evidencebased practices in the delivery of patient-centered care to promote positive outcomes. Clinical nursing is a multidimensional field that requires a high level of expertise, skills, and knowledge to provide quality care. This manuscript will explore the importance of clinical nursing, the skills required, and the challenges faced by clinical nurses.

Clinical nursing plays a vital role in the provision of healthcare services. Clinical nurses provide direct care to patients, including administering medication, monitoring vital signs, and carrying out diagnostic tests [1]. They work closely with other healthcare professionals to develop care plans that meet the unique needs of each patient. Clinical nursing also involves the provision of emotional support to patients and their families, ensuring they are comfortable and informed about their care.

Skills Required for Clinical Nursing Clinical nursing requires a diverse range of skills to provide quality care. One essential skill is critical thinking, which enables nurses to analyze patient data, identify problems, and develop appropriate care plans. Clinical nurses must also possess excellent communication skills to effectively communicate with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals. They should be able to provide clear and concise instructions and listen actively to patients' concerns [2-5].

Clinical nurses should also be proficient in technology, including Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and medical devices such as ventilators and infusion pumps. They should also be able to use data analytics tools to identify trends and patterns in patient data. Clinical nurses should be able to work independently and as part of a team, collaborating with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care.

Challenges Faced by Clinical Nurses Clinical nursing presents several challenges that can affect the quality of care provided. One significant challenge is staffing shortages, which can lead to increased workloads and burnout among clinical nurses. This can affect the quality of care provided and may result in medical errors [6].

Another challenge is the increasing complexity of healthcare systems, which requires clinical nurses to be knowledgeable about various healthcare policies and regulations. This can be increasing and may require additional training and education.

Clinical nurses may also face ethical dilemmas, such as balancing patient autonomy with the need to provide appropriate care. They may also face challenges in managing patient expectations, particularly when patients have unrealistic expectations about their care [7].

Clinical nursing is a multidimensional field that involves the provision of direct patient care. It requires a diverse range of skills and knowledge to provide quality care and promote positive outcomes. The main features of clinical nursing include:

Evidence-based practice: Clinical nursing is grounded in evidence-based practice, which involves using the best available evidence to inform patient care [8-10]. This approach ensures that patients receive the most effective and appropriate care based on the latest research and clinical guidelines.

Patient-centered care: Clinical nursing is focused on providing patient-centered care, which involves considering the unique needs, preferences, and values of each patient. Clinical nurses work closely with patients and their families to develop care plans that are tailored to their specific needs and goals.

Collaboration: Clinical nursing involves collaboration with other healthcare professionals, including physicians, pharmacists, and therapists. Clinical nurses work as part of a team to provide comprehensive care and ensure that all aspects of a patient's health are addressed.

Critical thinking: Clinical nursing requires critical thinking skills to analyze patient data, identify problems, and develop appropriate care plans. Clinical nurses must be able to think critically and quickly to make informed decisions that promote positive outcomes.

Communication: Clinical nursing requires excellent communication skills to effectively communicate with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals. Clinical nurses should be able to provide clear and concise instructions and listen actively to patients' concerns.

Technology: Clinical nursing involves the use of technology, including Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and medical devices such as ventilators and infusion pumps. Clinical nurses should be proficient in using these tools to provide quality care.

Ethical considerations: Clinical nursing involves ethical considerations, including balancing patient autonomy with the need to provide appropriate care. Clinical nurses must be able to navigate ethical dilemmas and make decisions that align with their patients' values and beliefs.


Clinical nursing is a complex and multidimensional field that requires a diverse range of skills and knowledge. It is focused on providing patient-centered care, using evidence-based practices, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals to promote positive outcomes. Clinical nursing is a rewarding and fulfilling career that makes a significant contribution to patient health and wellbeing.

Clinical nursing is an essential aspect of healthcare that requires a high level of expertise, skills, and knowledge to provide quality care. Clinical nurses play a vital role in the provision of direct patient care and work closely with other healthcare professionals to develop care plans that meet the unique needs of each patient. Despite the challenges faced, clinical nursing remains a rewarding and fulfilling career that makes a significant contribution to patient outcomes.


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