Research and Reviews in Psychology

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Short Communication, Rrpy Vol: 0 Issue: 0

Differentiated health problems according to gender among adolescents reporting sexual or physical assault

Jean-Michel Darves-Bornoz

Cliniques de la Fondation Santé des Etudiants de France


DNA topoisomerase II enzyme is one of the popular anticancer treatment approaches which this enzyme controls and modifies the topological states of DNA and plays key roles in DNA replication, transcription and chromosome segregation1. It is known that one class of topoisomerase II inhibitors, known as topo II poisons, bind to the transient enzyme-DNA complex and inhibit the religation of DNA generating single- and double-stranded breaks that cause the to apoptosis and cell death2. Mechanism of action has been defined between DNA topoisomerase II and the series of bicyclic compounds3 which were examined in detail using molecular modeling studies such as molecular docking and pharmacophore analysis performed by using Discovery Studio4 and LigandScout5. This study also provides a model to design novel and more potent anticancer agents as human topoisomerase II poisons

Keywords: Psychiatry, Psychology


Qualified to supervise research (Univ. François-Rabelais) in 1999Judicial expert in psychiatry (Orléans Court of Appeal) in 1999Doctorate in psychopathology and neurobiology (Univ. Sorbonne Paris 6) in 1996 Head of Psychiatry Clinic in 1992 Doctor of medicine (Univ. François-Rabelais) in 1992 Doctorate in mathematics (Univ. Paris 11 Saclay) in 1978 at 26 years old.


• Ozturk, Ozum & Aki, Esin & Yalcin, Ismail & Grifitth, Renate. (2020). Insight Into Mechanism of Action of Anticancer Benzazoles. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 20. 10.217 4/1568026620666200819152108.

• Foto, Egemen & Ozen, Cigdem & Zilifdar, Fatma & TekinerGülbaÃ?Â?, Betül & Yildiz, Ilkay & Aki, Esin & Diril, Nuran & Yalcin, Ismail. (2020). Benzoxazines as new human topoisomerase I inhibitors and potential poisons. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 28. 65-78. 10.1007/s40199-019-00315. 

• OlÃ?Â?aç, Abdurrahman & Yalcin, Ismail & Aki, Esin. (2020). The 12th AFMC International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium (AIMECS 2019) in Istanbul, Turkey. ChemMedChem. 15. 10.1002/cmdc.201900623.

• Muhammed, Muhammed Tilahun & Aki, Esin & Gohil, Nisarg. (2019). Homology Modeling in Drug Discovery: Overview, Current Applications and Future Perspectives. Chemical Biology & Drug Design. 93. 10.1111/cbdd.13388.

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