Endocrinology & Diabetes ResearchISSN: 2470-7570

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Perspective, Jecdr Vol: 0 Issue: 0

Cutaneous Extramedullary Plasmacytoma

Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EP) is the progression of multiple myeloma that can occur at any stage of the disease. EP is the proliferation of plasma cells outside the bone marrow. The most common location for EP is the head and neck. In rare instances it can involve connective/soft tissues and the skin. This case will discuss the rare cutaneous presentation of extra medullary plasmacytoma.

A 51 yo female presented to the emergency department complaining of difficulty walking due to acute onset of severe left thigh pain and right shoulder pain. No history of injury was noted. A right shoulder and left femur X-ray was completed showing lytic lesions and a pathological fracture of the femur. Bone biopsy resulted in features for multiple myeloma. She was started on chemotherapy and during the course of disease she developed multiple cutaneous fumigated and ulcerated nodules. Punch biopsy resulted in plasmacytoma representing the rare presentation of cutaneous extra medullary plasmacytoma.



Cutaneous Extramedullary Plasmacytoma

Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EP) is the progression of multiple myeloma that can occur at any stage of the disease. EP is the proliferation of plasma cells outside the bone marrow. The most common location for EP is the head and neck. In rare instances it can involve connective/soft tissues and the skin. This case will discuss the rare cutaneous presentation of extra medullary plasmacytoma.

A 51 yo female presented to the emergency department complaining of difficulty walking due to acute onset of severe left thigh pain and right shoulder pain. No history of injury was noted. A right shoulder and left femur X-ray was completed showing lytic lesions and a pathological fracture of the femur. Bone biopsy resulted in features for multiple myeloma. She was started on chemotherapy and during the course of disease she developed multiple cutaneous fumigated and ulcerated nodules. Punch biopsy resulted in plasmacytoma representing the rare presentation of cutaneous extra medullary plasmacytoma.


Keywords: Diabetes, Endocrinology , Primary Healthcare

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