2020 Conference Announcement, J Pharm Drug Deliv Res Vol: 8 Issue: 3
Announcement on Pharmaceutical Formulations & Drug Delivery
Bodhisattwa ChaudhuriAssociate Professor, University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy, USA
Email: bodhi.chaudhuri@uconn.edu
Citation: Isaac Bruce (2019) J Pharm Sci Emerg Drugs 8:3. DOI:10.37532/jpddr.2019.8(3).c0010
Keywords: Drug Delivery, Formuilation
About us
After the successful completion of the 16th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Formulations & Drug Delivery, Conference Series with great pride and honour announcing its 17th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Formulations& Drug Delivery October 30-31, 2020 at Vancouver, Canada This Pharma Formulations 2020 includes a wide range of Keynote presentations, plenary talks, Symposia, Workshops, Exhibitions, Poster presentations and Career development programs
Why to Attend???
Pharma Formulations 2020 Conference is a multidisciplinary program with broad participation with members from around the globe focused on learning about formulations and drug delivery and its advances. This is your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from Pharma research community that is from academia, drug delivery entities, medical groups, related associations, societies and also from government agencies, pharmaceutical, biomedical and medical device industries.
Pharma Formulations 2020 will discuss various disciplines involved in the drug formulation procedures and drug delivery technologies; it will educate health care researchers about design, operation, organizing, research computing, regulatory aspects and reporting of formulations. This conference conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with current and potential scientists, make a splash with new Pharma research developments, and receive name recognition at this 2-days event. World renowned speakers and the most recent techniques, developments, the newest updates in formulations and drug delivery are hallmarks of this conference.
Who Should attend and Who You’ll Meet
Directors/Senior Directors/Executive Directors and Vice Presidents/Senior Vice Presidents/Executive Vice Presidents and Heads/Leaders/Partners of
• CROs and CMOs
• Pharma Research Sites
• Pharma/Biotech and Medical Device industries
• Hospitals, Associations
Medical Directors, Principal Investigators, Methodologists, and other Pharmaceutical research professionals along with Academicians: University Faculties like Directors, Senior Professors/Assistant Professors/ Associate Professor, Research Scholars, scientists who are related to pharmaceutical research.
Details of Pharma Formulations 2020 in Canada:
Conference Series LLC Ltd is organizing Pharmaceutical Formulations and Drug Delivery Conference in 2020 at Vancouver, Canada. We organize Pharma Meetings in the fields related to Drug Delivery, Drug Discovery, Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Regulatory Affairs and Pharmaceutical Nano Technology.
Motives to attend:
Keynote presentation along with interactions to galvanize the scientific community.
Workshop and symposiums to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the Pharma/Biotech community.
A wide track of exhibitors to showcase the new and emerging technologies.
Platform to global investment community to connect with stakeholders in Pharma/Biotech sector.
Young Scientist/ Investigators Award geared towards best budding young research.
Links to the political marketing resources in order to expand your business and research network.
Pharmaceutical Formulations 2020 has everything you need:
Open panel discussions: Providing an open forum with experts from academia and business to discuss on current challenges in Pharmaceutical sciences, where all attendees can interact with the panel followed by a Q&A session.
Speaker and Poster Presentations: Providing a platform to all academicians and industry professionals to share their research thoughts and findings through a speech or a poster presentation.
Editorial Board Meeting: Discussing on growth and development of open access Pharmaceutical & Drug Development Journals and recruiting board members and reviewers who can support the journal.
Round Table Meetings: Providing a platform where industry professionals meet academic experts.
Over 50+ organizations and international pavilions will be exhibiting at Pharmaceutical Formulations 2020 conference. Exhibitors will include equipment manufacturers and suppliers, systems providers, finance and investment firms, R&D companies, project developers, trade associations, and government agencies.
In addition to the products and services you will have access to valuable content, including Keynote Presentations, Product Demonstrations and Educational Sessions from today’s industry leaders.
The Pharmaceutical Formulations 2020 has everything you need, all under one roof, saving you both time and money. It is the event you cannot afford to miss!
2020 Highlights:
• 300+ Participation (70 Industry: 30 Academia)
• 5+ Keynote Speakers
• 50+ Plenary Speakers
• 20+ Exhibitors
• 14 Innovative Educational Sessions
• 5+ Workshops
• B2B Meetings
Target Audience:
• Directors, CEO’s of Organizations
• Business Development Managers
• Chief Scientific Officers
• R&D Researchers from Pharmaceutical Industries
• Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors
• PhD Scholars
• Patent Attorneys
• Intellectual Property Attorneys
• Investment Analysts
• Association, Association presidents and professionals
• Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine
• Bio instruments Professionals
• Bio-informatics Professionals
• Software development companies
• Research Institutes and members
• Supply Chain companies
• Manufacturing Companies
• CRO and DATA management Companies
• Training Institutes
• Business Entrepreneurs
17th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Formulations & Drug Delivery
Vancouver, Canada