Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research

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Commentary, J Neurosci Clin Res Vol: 6 Issue: 4

A Review on Neurosurgery

Lucia M Vaina*

Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, USA

*Corresponding Author: Lucia M Vaina
Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, USA

Received date: July 7, 2021; Accepted date: July 21, 2021; Published date: July 28, 2021

Citation: Ogunka-Nnoka CU, Ben-Piakor TE, Mepba HD, Ifeanacho MO (2020) Effect of Processing on Phytochemicals and Nutrient Composition of Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus L). J Food Nutr Disor 9:2. doi: 10.37532/jfnd.2020.9(2).271


Neurosurgery is surgery of the nervous system. It is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of of patients with injury to, or diseases/disorders of the brain, spinal cord and spinal column, and peripheral nerves within all parts of the body. The specialty of neurosurgical care includes both adult and pediatric patients. Dependent upon the nature of the injury or disease a neurological surgeon may provide surgical and/or non-surgical care.

Keywords: Neurosurgery, diagnosis, Parkinson's disease, nervous system disorders, pediatric patients


Neurosurgery is surgery of the nervous system. It is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of of patients with injury to, or diseases/disorders of the brain, spinal cord and spinal column, and peripheral nerves within all parts of the body. The specialty of neurosurgical care includes both adult and pediatric patients. Dependent upon the nature of the injury or disease a neurological surgeon may provide surgical and/or non-surgical care. A physician who specializes in neurosurgery. Neurosurgeons are not just brain surgeons, they are medically trained neurosurgical specialists who can also help patients suffering from back and neck pain as well as a host of other illnesses ranging from trigeminal neuralgia to head injury and Parkinson's disease. During this residency training, neurosurgeons are trained in all aspects of neurosurgery, including the cerebrovascular system, the spine and spinal cord, trauma, tumors, pain management and pediatric surgery. Residents complete a minimum of 60 months of training in the neurological sciences, with at least 36 of those months are devoted to clinical neurosurgery and a minimum of 3 months devoted to clinical neurology.

The term “neurosurgery” is short for neurological surgery, a discipline that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders. Neurosurgery is a sister discipline to neuromedicine, which involves the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders and complications using medications and non- surgical methods. In most patients, neurologists (who deal with neuromedicine) work alongside neurosurgeons. Neurosurgeons operate on the brain, spine, or nerves of the limbs or extremities. They treat patients of all ages, ranging from newborns with congenital neurological abnormalities (birth defects) through to elderly individuals who may have suffered a stroke, for example. Neurosurgeons are also involved in the treatment of nerve injuries, neuroblastoma, infections of the central nervous system and neurodegenerative diseases.

Neurosurgery is one of the more recent surgical disciplines to develop, originally gaining recognition in the early 1900s. However, it is now one of the most cutting edge medical disciplines in the world of science and medicine and involves the use of some of the most advanced technologies currently available. There are several subspecialities that a neurologist can choose to practice and examples include pediatric neurosurgery, interventional neuroradiology, spine surgery, neurovascular surgery, neuro-oncology, pain management, and nerve trauma. Mayo Clinic neurologists and neurosurgeons have experience treating all types of brain, spine and nervous system conditions. Mayo Clinic provides evaluation and treatment for many conditions, including but not limited to those listed below. Availability of the services may vary among Mayo locations. Please confirm when you call to request an appointment. Neurosurgery or neurological surgery is a medical speciality associated with prevention and treatment of various disorders related to the nervous system including the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves etc. These neuro-surgeries are performed by trained and expert neurosurgeons. Most of the people may not have a broad knowledge over a lot of medical procedures. When we talk about complex neurosurgeries, many people think that it has something to do with the brain. Well, this might be partly true but it actually involves much more than that.

Neurosurgical procedures can be performed for both adult and pediatric patients. There were a number of surgical and non-surgical options and is performed based on the nature of the disorder, disease or type of injury. Modern invasive and non-invasive surgical procedures have simplified brain surgeries to a great extent.

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