Ophthalmic Pathology Journals Membership

International Journal of Ophthalmic Pathology promotes rational & advanced therapy along with the disease management. International Journal of Ophthalmic Pathology offers greater flexibility to publish full length reviews, consensus articles, and special topics than traditional ophthalmology journals restricted by page limitations. This Ophthalmic Pathology journal provides a regular program of independent articles covering all aspects in ophthalmology. Our Membership program encourages authors to submit unsolicited number of articles to any of the SciTechnol journals without a publication fee and it also provides free access to subscription articles for a year. International Journal of Ophthalmic Pathology focuses on the topics include, but not limited to: Neuro-Ophthalmology, Orthoptics, Diseases of the Eye, Ophthalmic surgery Cataract. International Journal of Ophthalmic Pathology emerges as a best indexed journal with impact factor compared to other competitive journals focusing especially on topics related to ophthalmology research by bringing up the recent research to global scientific community through its publications. The Journal is using Editorial Manager System for quality in review process. Editorial Manager is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review process is performed by the editorial board members of International Journal of Ophthalmic Pathology or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. The papers submitted are undergone through perfect plagiarism checks, later peer reviewed by the expert group and published after through revisions.