In recent times, there has been a lot of debate on the implementation of Open Access for research publications. Realizing the potential of Open Access in terms of greater visibility within and beyond the scientific community, there has been a tremendous boost to Open Access movement through various Open Access publishers. Considering the importance of OA SciTechnol is offering open option to authors.
Open Option/Author pays model that operates alongside an established subscription model. Submission of an article remains free. If article accepted for publication, the author is given the choice to pay a fee to make their article open access.
Benefits of Open Access include greater visibility, increased readership, accelerated citation, immediate access to the full text versions, higher impact and authors retain the copyright to their work
Article Processing Charges:
Publishing under Open Access mode involves a publication fee of 1519 Euros.
Note: The above mentioned publication fee or article processing charges (APCs) vary for different Journal titles for a variety of factors such as the size of the Journal, volume of submissions, Journal impact factor, Competitive considerations, Journal’s Editorial and technical processes, etc. Detailed pricing will be clearly displayed on their respective journal homepages.
APC includes peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, archiving and other costs associated with publication of the articles.
Individual waiver requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and for authors from low-income countries.
If authors wish to retract their paper after rigorous review and revisions, he/she will be labelled to pay 30% of the total expenses on their article as a fee for processing. Since, the review process requires input of Editors, Reviewers, Associate Managing Editors, Editorial Assistants, Content Writers, Editorial Managing System & other online tracking systems to ensure that the published article is of good quality and is in its best possible form.
Authors can opt for the membership for publishing more article by simply paying one time. Find out more about our Open Access membership program.
Copy Rights:
Authors opted for subscription mode must sign copyright transfer agreement prior to publication of their article.
Publisher reserves the copyright and any extensions or renewals of that term thereof throughout the world, including but not limited to publish, disseminate, transmit, store, translate, distribute, sell, republish and use the contribution and material contained therein in print and electronic form of the journal and in other derivative works, in all languages and any form of media of expression available now or in the future and to license or permit others to do so.