Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular NanotechnologyISSN: 2324-8777

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Research Article, J Nanomater Mol Nanotechnol Vol: 2 Issue: 4

Occlusion of INTERFERON® and COPAXONE® on SBA-15 Silica Reservoirs for their Use in the Treatment of Demyelization Diseases

Tessy López1,2,3, Emma Ortiz-Islas2*, Miriam López2, José Flores4 and Teresa Corona4
1Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Laboratory. UAM-Xochimilco. Calzada del Hueso 1100, Col. Villa Quietud, Coyoacán, 04960, México, D. F., México.
2Nanotechnology Laboratory. National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery “MVS”. Avenida Insurgentes Sur 3877, La Fama, Tlalpan, 14269, México D. F., México
3Departament of Chemical and Molecular Engineering. Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.
4Neurodegenerative Disease Clinical Laboratory, National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery “MVS”, Avenida Insurgentes Sur 3877, La Fama, Tlalpan, 14269, México D. F. México.
Corresponding author : Emma Ortiz-Islas
Nanotechnology Laboratory, National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery “MVS”, Avenida Insurgentes Sur 3877, La Fama, Tlalpan, 14269, México D. F., México
Tel: (52)5556063822; ext 5034
Received: June 19, 2013 Accepted: July 29, 2013 Published: August 06, 2013
Citation: López T, Ortiz-Islas E, López M, Flores J, Corona T (2013) Occlusion of INTERFERON® and COPAXONE® on SBA-15 Silica Reservoirs for their Use in the Treatment of Demyelization Diseases. J Nanomater Mol Nanotechnol 2:4. doi:10.4172/2324-8777.1000117


Occlusion of INTERFERON® and COPAXONE® on SBA-15 Silica Reservoirs for their Use in the Treatment of Demyelization Diseases

Interferon® and Copaxone®, two commercial drugs used to treat the demyelization diseases like multiple sclerosis, were adsorbed on nanostructured SBA-15 reservoir. SBA-15 is ordered mesoporous silica normally used as catalytic adsorbent powder, but in this work we occluded the drug in the solid from separate solutions of each drug and then released them in a controlled way. The resultant SBA15-Copaxone and SBA15-Interferone were characterized by means of Infrared spectroscopy, Electron Microscopy, N2 adsorptiondesorption, Thermal-gravimetric analysis and X-ray diffraction techniques. Also, an “in vitro” drug release test was performed using an aqueous medium, the released drug was monitored by Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy. The resultant X-ray diffraction patterns and electron micrographs showed the characteristic ordered structures of mesoporous silica nanomaterials. The calculated surface area, pore diameter and pore volume values for the silica containing the drugs decreased approximately a 50% compared to SBA-15 reference values. These observations suggest that the drug molecules occupied the empty spaces inside and on the surface of the samples. The drug release profiles showed two stages, beginning with fast medicament liberation during the first hours, followed by a slow drug release until the end of the test.

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