
The recent developments or advancements in the nanotechnology have brought new tools to the field of electronics and sensors. The application of Nanotechnology on electronic components is referred to as Nanoelectronics. The aim of Nanoelectronics is to process, transmit and store information by taking advantage of properties of matter that are distinctly different from macroscopic properties. The term covers a diverse set of devices and materials, with the common characteristic that they are so small that inter-atomic interactions and quantum mechanical properties need to be studied extensively. Nanostructure materials, like Graphene, have been potential in exhibiting electronics and electrical applications, replacing many toxic and rare elements in present day technology products, due to their unique properties of: high conductivity, transparency, and flexibility, being one of the most light weight and energy saving nanostructures. Nanoelectronics are sometimes considered as disruptive technology because present candidates are significantly different from traditional transistors. The study of Nanoelectronics needs to be understood as a general field of research aimed at developing an understanding of the phenomena characteristic of nanometer sized objects with the aim of exploiting them for information processing purposes. Specifically, by electronics means the handling of complicated electrical wave forms for communicating information, probing and data processing. Concepts at the fundamental research level are being persued world-wide to find nano-solutions to these three characteristic applications of electronics. These concepts can be grouped into three main categories: Molecular electronics, Quantum Electronics, Spintronics (e.g. quantum dots, magnetic effects), and Quantum computing. The approaches to Nanoelectronics: Nanofabrication (Nanocircuitry and nanolithography), Nanomaterials electronics, Molecular electronics (Molecular scale electronics), Nanoionics, Nanophotonics etc.