Journals on Medical Genetics
Medical genetics is different from human genetics since human genetics is a field of scientific research that may or may not apply to medicine, but medical genetics refers to the application of genetics to medical care. Articles on medical genetics are published free of cost and readers have to pay in order to read these articles. The journal believes in quality of articles published rather than quantity. The journal publishes quality articles in open access which increases visibility and readership and spreads knowledge among a wider population. Journal of Genetic Disorders and Genetic Reports aspires to carve a strong backbone in the field of scientific community by publishing the current and ongoing researches and discoveries in the form of high-quality original research papers, research brief reports, mini-reviews, and other special articles related. It is a novel initiative taken to assist the researchers in getting best publication across the globe, stimulating the scientific knowledge and learning. It aims to widen the reachability to every students and scholars.