Dental Health: Current ResearchISSN: 2470-0886

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Dental Digital Imaging: The world of dentistry is changing from analog to the digital world. In medicine, digital images became popular since the appearance of CR (Computed Radiography) based on Photo Stimulable Phosphor (PSP) in 1980 as dentistry digitalization of intra-oral radiography did not proceed quite well. However, after the development of a small PSP plate for intra-oral imaging digitalization in dentistry also promoted rapidly. Recently in advanced countries most of imaging modalities are digitized and many medical imaging modalities such as FPD (Flat Panel Detector), CT (Computed Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and PET (Positron Emission Tomography) are introduced into dentistry. The images are stored on sever and can be observed at every terminal in each department through PACS (Picture Archiving Communication System). More accurate diagnosis has become possible by using the system. Moreover three Dimensional (3D) Digital Scanner, Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems are also used in the field of prosthodontics and it becomes possible to make more precise dental prosthesis. In this way many fields of dentistry takes the benefits of digitalization.

Imaging targets in dentistry has specific characteristics unlike in medicine. The high spatial resolution is required to depict small harder structures such as the tooth and the alveolar bone. 

The aim of this special issue is to focus on Dental Digital Imaging. The topics include diagnosis as well as technology. The following topics are mainly related to Radiological Imaging, but are not limited to those, we expect a wide range of researches related to Digital Imaging.

1) Digital Imaging and Application by intra-oral digital sensors such as a PSP or CCD sensors.

2) Digital Imaging and Application by dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).

3) Digital Imaging and Application by medical modalities such as FPD, CT, MRI and PET.

4) Digital Imaging and Application by 3D scanner and CAD/CAM system.


Special Issue entitled “Dental Digital Imaging” has been edited by:

Handling Editor: Dr. Eiichi Honda

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