Special Issue Introduction

             Preventive Measures for SARs-Cov-2

Journal of Diagnostic Techniques and Biomedical Analysis is announcing its special issue entitled “Preventive measures for SARs-Cov-2. It aims to spread the scientific information on the C0VID-19 and help the scientific world and researcher for the remedy and upgrading the research.

Special issue in this pandemic situation is to increase the quality of the journal, also to enhance the recent developments to prevent Covid 19.

To mitigate the intensity of transmission and number of cases by creating awareness among the community by publishing relevant papers to educate readers and by taking appropriate measures to control the spread of epidemic virus.

The special issue follows the below scope but not limited to:

  • Covid-19 Infection
  • Techniques for diagnosis
  • Biomedical Methods
  • Preventions for more spreading
  • Pathological Techniques

By taking simple precautions one can be safe from this dangerous virus. Corona virus is rampant in many areas where the best prevention of it by locking down. Today whole world is locked down due to the outspread of a pandemic disease. Whereas by washing hands and maintaining social distance from one another are the simple precautions to be followed. Always prevention is better than cure.