Subscription Based Infection Control Journals

Subscription based infection control journals welcome all those scientists and scholars to publish their research without paying any publication fee, who lack financial support and have devoted their research to infection control. Journal of Immunological Techniques in Infectious Diseases (JIDIT) is one of the leading subscription based infection control journals that promotes rigorous research in the field of developing strategies to control infectious diseases that makes a significant contribution in advancing knowledge in the field. The journal provides paid readership and gives various options to university libraries to purchase content of journal. Journal of Immunological Techniques in Infectious Diseases promotes ongoing international research and information exchange through publication of latest research reports/ breakthroughs in the field of infection control. The Journal aspires to contribute to the scientific community through its scholarly publications. Journal of Immunological Techniques in Infectious Diseases being an international subscription based infection control journal gives a platform to those researchers worldwide belonging to low income or high income countries to publish their research who cannot pay a large amount as open access publication fee. Thus subscription journals provide an edge over other open access journals demanding heavy publication fee.