Gynecology Manuscripts

Gynecology is the branch of medical science that deals with the study of the female reproductive system including ovary, uterus and breast. Gynecology even involves obstetrics as one of its pivotal branch. Gynecology even includes gynecology cancer, urogynecology as its sub specialize branch. Andrology & Gynecology: Current Research receives vast number of gynecology manuscripts under its regular bimonthly issue keeping a track record of the latest research & study in the gynecology field. The journal holds wide scope and relevance under gynecology including urology, urogyneoclogy, women health and issues, gynecology oncology etc and thus holds a strong foothold in the medical field. The journal works on the hybrid model under which authors can freely submit research/review/case reports/commentaries etc as subscription or open access article as per the requirements and feasibility.