e-Journals on Indicator kriging

e-Journals on Indicator kriging deals with the mineral deposit modeling and resource block model estimation concepts . e-journals on Indicator kriging is a periodical publication which is published in electronic format, usually on the Internet. e-journals have many advantages over conventional printed journals. You can search the content pages and/or the full text of journals to find articles on a certain subject. You can read journal articles on your desktop, you don't have to be in the Library. You can e-mail articles to yourself or download them for printing. The article that you want to read will always be available, even when the Library is closed. Hypertext links allow you to move to different sections within individual journals or articles and can link you to related resources on the Internet. The benefits include Superior resource delivery, Improved service, Potentiality of accurate usage to help collection development decisions, Cost savings, Reduced shelving, Binding, Maintenance, claiming Public relation opportunities. Provided and opportunity for concrete user, Education, Satisfied users, Simultaneous access by multiple users. e-Journals on Indicator kriging can include more images and audio-visual material. Journals can be interactive - you can email the author or editor with your comments. Many electronic journals which are available on internet are electronic versions of journals which exist in print.