Hybrid Journals on Genital System
Genital system is a system of sex organs which work together in the process of reproduction. So this system is also called as a reproductive system. This genital system is present both in male and female human beings but they vary in many aspects. In male reproductive system the sex organs are located outside the body surrounding the pelvic region. The main parts of the male reproductive system are penis and testicles which will produce semen and sperm during sexual intercourse. The primary function of the male sperm is to fertilize the ovum which is generated in the female reproductive system. In female reproductive system the sex organs are located inside the body surrounding the pelvic region. The main parts of the female reproductive system are uterus, ovaries, clitoris, urethra, fallopian tubes. At regular intervals the ovaries release an ovum which passes through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus. If the sperm from the male reproductive system meets the ovum in this transit the sperm will penetrate and merge with the egg which eventually fertilizes it and this process will lead to the production of offspring. The release of sperm happens during the sexual intercourse between male and female human beings. Ova are larger than sperm and released by the process of oogenesis. The unfertilized egg will be flushed out of the uterus through menstruation. The genetic sex of the offspring will depend on the characteristic of chromosome at conception. Hybrid journal have the model similar to subscription model even though publishers offer authors to pay for open access.Journal Of Genital System & Disorders is a best indexed hybrid journal having the highest impact factor compared to the other journals in this field. Journal Of Genital System & Disorders is a subscription journal where some of the articles on genital system published in this journal are open access.