Genital Urology

Urology is a surgical speciality that deals with the treatment of conditions involving the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs.Urology major spectrum of the conditions managed exists under the domain of genitourinary disorders. Urology combines the management of medical conditions such as urinary tract infections and benign prostatic hyperplasia, with the management of surgical conditions such as bladder or prostate cancer,congenital abnormalities, traumatic injury, and stress incontinence. Most of the urinary tract can be reached via the urethra, enabling prostate surgery, surgery of tumors of the urothelium, and simple urethral and ureteral procedures.urology mostly deals with the genital disorders.The organs under the domain of urology include the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and the male reproductive organs.The urinary and reproductive tracts are closely linked, and disorders of one often affect the other. Thus a major spectrum of the conditions managed in urology exists under the domain of genitourinary disorders