Genital Diseases
Genital diseases are any condition that affect the female genitals which are the primary sex organs such as the uterus and vagina. The origin of genital disorders may be viral, bacterial, fungal, structural, functional or other. Some examples include cancer, Chlamydia, herpes and candidiasis.
An infection can develop in any of male genitals areas, potentially causing inflammation and pain in the testes or other structures. Infections can be caused either by bacteria or a virus. For example, prostatitis, a bacterial infection, can start in the prostate gland surrounding the urethra; in one of the testes, the infection is called orchitis. The mumps virus can be the cause of an infection in the system and may result in long-lasting fertility problems. Bacterial causes also include sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.
The presence or excess growth of yeast cells, bacteria, or viruses can cause a vaginal infection. A vaginal infection may occur when there is a change in the normal balance of organisms in your vagina.
The three most common types of vaginal infections are:
• Candida vulvovaginitis (yeast infections).
• Bacterial infections (bacterial vaginosis).
• Parasitic infections (trichomoniasis).Genital diseases also include abnormal hormone production by the ovaries or the testes or by other endocrine glands, such as the pituitary, thyroid, or adrenals. Such diseases can also be caused by genetic or congenital abnormalities, infections, tumors, or disorders of unknown cause.