Current Research in Food Sciences
Current research in food sciences ensures that research addresses the role of diet and dietary components prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management to improve human health and nutritional advancement nationally and internationally. Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders stimulates the current basic and clinical research in all its fields like Food Safety, Malabsorption & Nutritional Disorders, Food Allergies, Food Microbiology, Eating Concerns/Eating Disorders, Diet supplements and Disorders, Food, Health & Wellness, Child Nutrition & Health in the form of original articles, reviews, abstracts, article-commentaries, book reviews, rapid communications, letters to the editor, annual meeting, conference proceedings, case-reports, product reviews etc. The journal uses Editorial Manager System for a qualitative and prompt review process. Editorial Manager is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking system. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders or relevant experts from other universities or institutes. Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders is a scientific journal which publishes the current research in the area of food sciences and provides an opportunity to share the information among the medical scientists and researchers.