Yulan Liang, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Family and Community Health
University of Maryland, USA

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Yulan Liang, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the University of Maryland, Baltimore. She has published 60 peer reviewed research articles in the biostatistical and biomedical science fields. Dr. Liang has been funded as PI of NSF, and biostatistics core director of NIH funded research grants. She also served as Co-Investigator and biostatistician for a number of funded grants from health associations and private organizations including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Alzheimer's Association, National Council of State Boards of Nursing.

Research Interest

  Biostatistics, statistical genomics, bioinformatics, Bayesian approaches, causal inference, data mining and machine learning for high dimensional big data, longitudinal mixed model, multi-level/hierarchical model, methodological research in biomedical, public health and healthcare data; risk assessments and predictions for common complex diseases and health conditions.