Smail Acimi, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Visceral Surgery, Children's Hospital Canastel
University of Oran

Read Interview session with Smail Acimi

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Smail Acimi is professor of medicine in University of Oran.He is head of the department for pediatric surgery in University of Oran. Smail Acimi is a vice president of CPRS (Regional Educational speciality committee of West Algeria.

Research Interest

Smail Acimi research interests is in Disorders of sex development (ambiguous genitalia) and Urogenital malformations.


1. What makes an article top quality? 

Response: Scientific quality of the article comes from Interest of the subject, validity of its justification, Innovative character compared to the state of knowledge, Quality of the problematic and theoretical perspectives, Clarity of the research objectives and expected results, Presence and quality of the state of knowledge on the subject, and Prospects for dissemination of results.

2. Do you think that journals determine research trends?

Response: Yes.

3. What makes a good position paper?

Response: The contents of the paper.

4. What are the qualities you look for in an article?

Response: The innovative content of work, Honesty of the results, and Good writing of the paper.

5. Can you give us a broad indication of the types of themes a scientific journal should cover?

Response: Latest and fast-moving fields of science.


6. What sorts of research methods and frameworks do you expect people to use, and How will they balance conceptual and applied research?

Response: Methods chosen search should be developed and exposed clearly, the approach and knowledge related to methodology (methods, tools, models, theories), Choice of terrain, choice of reference, Comparison of the results, and Possible ethical considerations.

7. How would you describe the journal’s mission and editorial objectives to our readers?

Response: I think the journal should be specialized to anomalies and malformations of genital organs diseases.

8. If you could be granted dream articles, what would they be on?

Response: An article on genital ambiguous.

9. Are there any particular areas which you would like to see, or expect to see, collaborates?

Response: Genital ambiguous and malformation of urogenital system.

10. How does the research published percolate through to practitioners?

Response: An article which deals a frequent pathology and difficult to treat and an article on a difficult disease to diagnose or to treat.

11. How can a publisher ensure the authors/readers a rigorous peer review and quality control?

Response: It must the advice from three reviewers and Paper sent to reviewers should not contain information about the author.

12. What do you see as the merits of journals, as opposed to book series, as a means of Scholarly communications?

Response: Review articles on frequent diseases and difficult to understand and Review articles that provide new knowledge on pathology.

13. How do you differentiate Genital System & Disorders with other journals in the field?

Response: This journal is the first Journal specializing in abnormal development of the genital system. The abnormalities include much pathology, e.g. various types Of DSD. and our paper can become in a few years a reference journal.