Piyush Harsh

Editorial Board Member

Institute of Applied Information Technology
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

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Piyush received his bachelors degree in Computer Science from highly reputed Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in August 2003. He received his doctorate from University of Florida in August 2010. After graduating he moved to France where he worked as researcher at INRIA Bretagne-Atlantique center in Rennes, until April 2013. At INRIA he was involved in a multi-million Euro European Union project where the goal was to develop a federation of clouds supporting extensive SLAs and QoP constraint providing users fine grained control over location of their compute resources and data. Since April 2013, he has joined Zurich University of Applied Sciences as a tenure-track researcher. Other than cloud computing research, his research interests are presently also in the field of security and congitive networks. Some of his more recent research topics included covert channels, mix firewalls, image based authentication and associated problems. In the past he has worked a bit on expert systems design too. As part of his doctoral research he developed a globally scalable, distributed and hierarchical solution to multicast sessions directory service problem that can be deployed in both ASM and SSM multicast networks.

Research Interest

Piyush Harsh research interests include Cloud Computing, Cloud Economics, Network Functions Virtualization, CDNs, Datacenter Automation, Computer Networks, Network Security, Cryptography, Distributed Systems, Protocol Design and Analysis, Network Measurements and Usability.