Branko Stanovnik, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Dr. Branko Stanovnik is a professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. He obtained a Diploma in chemistry in 1960 and received his Ph. D degree in organic chemistry at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1964, becoming Assistant Professor in the same year, Associate Professor in 1967, and Professor in 1972. He carried out his Postdoctorate between 1964 and 1965 at the National Research Council of Canada, (Atlantic Regional Laboratory, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada). From 1974 to 1976 he was a visiting Professor at the university of Indiana (Bloomington, Indiana, USA), and in 1979 was a visiting fellow of the John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australia National University (Canberra, Australia). He has published over 600 papers including reviews, articles and books. Prof. Stanovnik has received awards including the Kidric Fund Award for Science (Slovenia, 1972 and 1977), Honorary Medal and Diploma (Technical University, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, 1975), and the Boris Kidric Fund Award for Innovations (Slovenia, 1981 and 1989). He was also awarded the Kametani Award for outstanding research in Heterocyclic chemistry (2006) and Medal and Diploma “In Memory of Professor A. N. Kost” for achievments in the field of heterocyclic chemistry. He was a member of the Advisory Board, International society of Heterocyclic Chemistry (1983-1987), Vice-President of the Union of Yugoslav Chemical Societies (1976-1984), and a Member of the Council of Federation of European Chemical Societies (1987-1991). He is also a 30 year Chairman of the Editorial Board, Slovenskega drustva (since 1976, present since 1994 Acta Chimica Slovenica, Slovenia). He is also a member of the General Assembly, Federation of European Chemical Societies (since 1987), and presently a member of 12 other editorial and advisory boards for heterocyclic chemistry and chemical journals, including other scientific organizations. Prof. Stanovnik has given over 100 plenary and 200 invited lectures at various universities, academies and industrial research laboratories aal over the world. Prof. Stanovnik has been elected as a member for the following organizations; Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (London, Great Britain), Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea (Salzburg, Austria), The New York Academy of Sciences (New York, USA), Honorary member of the Hungarian Chemical Society, Inaugural Honorary member of the Florida Center for Hetercyclic compounds (Gainesville, Florida, USA) and Honorary Member of the Italian Chemical Society

Research Interest

Organic chemistry Heterocyclic chemistry Organic synthesis