Artemi Cerda, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Geography
University of Valencia, Spain 

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Professor Cerdà developed his Ph D researching the Infiltration Capacity of Mediterranean Soil from 1989 till 1993. His post-doctorate studies in The Netherlands, Israel, Bolivia and Extremadura researched on the soil hydrology, the impact of climate on geomorphological processes and on the fire and agriculture impact on soils. His position as researched in the Desertification Research Centre and the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology from 1998 till 2002 about the interaction of seeds, plants and erosion, and the land management and soil erosion in the Pyrenees contributed to an open view of the soil erosion processes accelerated by the humankind. Since 2002 as Associated Professor and since 2009 as Full Professor at the University of Valencia, Dr. Cerdà developed the Soil Erosion and Degradation Research Group and the Soil Erosion Research Stations of Montesa and Serra de Enguera. His research is focussed on the effect of agriculture, forest fires and roads on soil erosion and since 2002 he is looking for sustainable managements for the agriculture and forest management. Since 2010 is Full professor at the University of Valencia and develop a research to find the sustainable managements in agriculture and forest soils.

Research Interest

Soil erosion Soil hydrology Desertification Agriculture and soil erosion