Department / University Information


Ali Moussaoui is a Professor of Applied mathematics at Tlemcen University (Algeria), he got his PHD on 2008 from University of Tlemcen with co-supervision of IRD-France, responsible of The Franco-Algerian Project: « Modeling complex systems, natural, biological or social (with IRD-France) and to the National Research Project: Models and Methods Mathematics and Computer in population dynamics, head of team : Modeling complex systems at University of Tlemcen, member of scientific Euro-Mediterranean research : TREASURE (for Treatment and Sustainable Reuse of Effluents in semiarid climates), member of the team NuWat at LIRIMA (Numerics for water treatment research). He was a President of the organizer committee of the International workshop on Complex System on Population dynamics, epidemics and renewable resources. He is member of the editorial boards of several international journals of bio-mathematics and he was member of many Steering committees of international conferences on population dynamics.

Research Interest

Dynamical systems, Population Dynamics, Epidemiology, Ecology, Fishery models.