Research Interest
1. What makes an article top quality?
Response: Contents and an accurate peer review.
2. Do you think that journals determine research trends?
Response: Absolutely.
3. What makes a good position paper?
Response: Impact factor, editorial board members, affiliation to scientific communities.
4. What are the qualities you look for in an article?
Response: Open access, specificity, clearness, and topics.
5. Can you give us a broad indication of the types of themes a scientific journal should cover?
Response: Evidence based medicine.
6. How would you describe the journal’s mission and editorial objectives to our readers?
Response: To clarify topics regarding actual innovations, and to better explain scientific debates.
7. If you could be granted dream articles, what would they be on?
Response: I don't know.
8. Are there any particular areas which you would like to see, or expect to see, collaborate?
Response: Spinal surgery.
9. How does the research published percolate through to practitioners?
Response: I don't know.
10. How can a publisher ensure the authors/readers a rigorous peer review and quality control?
Response: Blind review.
11. Your editorial policy is to be eclectic and welcome perspectives from other disciplines and schools. How does this translate into the types of contributions you encourage?
Response: I don't know.
12. What do you see as the merits of journals, as opposed to book series, as a means of scholarly communications?
Response: Continue clarification of specific topics.
13. How do you differentiate Journal of Spine & Neurosurgery with other journals in the field?
Response: Extremely specific topics, very competent reviewers and editors.