Research papers on Safety in country borders
A nation should always be committed to have secure borders & also should have open doors to welcome and facilitate a legitimate travel by international visitors by maintaining integrity and security of our borders and our nation.
For an enhanced border security nations like U.S.A mandated the use of biometrics in their visas. This law generally requires its nations embassies and consulates abroad must issue to international visitors, "only machine-readable, tamper-resistant visas and other travel and entry documents that use biometric identifiers.
Additionally, the other councils such as homeland security decided that ten fingerprint scans of an applicant should be collected at all U.S. Embassies and Consulates in order to maintain a standard for biometric screening .Biometric identifier is an objective measurement of a physical characteristic of an individual which can be captured in a database, to verify the identity or check against other entries in the database.
The best known biometric or currently used biometrics are the fingerprint, facial recognition and iris scans. The use of these identifiers is an important link in maintaining national security, because fingerprints taken will be compared with similarly collected fingerprints at ports-of-entry.This helps to reduce the use of stolen and counterfeit visas, and protect against possible threats by terrorists or others who may create a security risk for the nation.
A research paper can be defined in simple terms as a form of academic writing, which is usually between five to fifteen pages long, composed by researchers in educational institutions. A research paper requires the author/student/professor/scientist to conduct research on a specified topic, and provide support for that position in an organized report. Generally a research paper would contain 5000-1000 words.
Journal of Defense Studies & Resource Management emerges as a best indexed, hybrid journal with impact factor compared to other competitive journals focusing on Safety in country borders between countries by bringing up the recent research to global scientific community through its publications. The papers submitted are undergone through perfect plagiarism checks, later peer reviewed by the expert group and published after through revisions.