Research Paper on Homeland security
Homeland security is an American term referring to the national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce the vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage from attacks that do occur.
The term arose following a reorganization of many U.S. government agencies in 2003 to form the United States Department of Homeland Security after the September 11 attacks, and may be used to refer to the actions of that department, the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, or the United States House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security.
The vision of homeland security is to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.
Three key concepts form the foundation of our national homeland security strategy designed to achieve this vision:
• Security,
• Resilience, and
• Customs and Exchange
In turn, these key concepts drive broad areas of activity that the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR) process defines as homeland security missions. These missions are enterprise-wide, and not limited to the Department of Homeland Security. These missions and their associated goals and objectives tell us in detail what it means to prevent, to protect, to respond, and to recover, as well as to build in security, to ensure resilience, and to facilitate customs and exchange.
A research paper can be defined in simple terms as a form of academic writing, which is usually between five to fifteen pages long, composed by researchers in educational institutions. A research paper requires the author/student/professor/scientist to conduct research on a specified topic, and provide support for that position in an organized report. Generally a research paper would contain 5000-1000 words.
Journal of Defense Studies & Resource Management emerges as a best indexed, hybrid journal with impact factor compared to other competitive journals focusing Research on Homeland security by bringing up the recent research to global scientific community through its publications. The papers submitted are undergone through perfect plagiarism checks, later peer reviewed by the expert group and published after through revisions.