International Conference & Expo on Recycling

August 20-21 , 2018 Amsterdam , Netherlands

ScientificTracks Abstracts

Expert Opin Environ Biol
Future trend of reuse and recycling of Li-ion battery

Takashi Nakamura

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Recycling: the world perception

Merja H Kontro

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Strategic environmental assessment for hazardous waste management in Malaysia

Dennis Victor

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Green, circular, bio-economy: baseline evaluation of different plastic packaging products

Lomba M, Garcia-Armingol T, Lopez-Sabiron A M and Ferreira G

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Upcycling biomass residues: learning from the Biochar for Sustainable Soils (B4SS) Project

Ruy K Anaya de la Rosa and A Cowie

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Recycling of by-products of anaerobic digestion: feedstock related variability and scope of processed application for improved management

Sampriti Kataki, Samarendra Hazarika and DC Baruah

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Manure fertilizers: alternative production technologies and their energy demands

S Jablonski, M Kulazynski and M Lukaszewicz

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Recycle and reuse of plastic pollutants as an effective reinforcer in ionomer matrix for polymer packaging

Divya Rajasekaran and Pradip K.Maji

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Develop and analysis of sustainable integrated solid waste management system

Seow Ta Wee

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Recycling of plastic wastes with poly (ethylene-comethacrylic acid) copolymer as compatibilizer and their conversion into high end product

Divya Rajasekaran and Pradip K.Maji

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