3rd Global Summit on Plant Science

August 07-09, 2017 | Rome, Italy

ScientificTracks Abstracts

J Plant Physiol Pathol
Next-generation sequencing-basics & applications: Tools and technologies

Caroline Janitz

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Enhancing NGS performance through improvements in template preparation procedure

Caroline Janitz

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Physiological impacts on coffee plants submitted to water deficiency

Fernando Broetto, Enrique Alonso Zuniga, Luz Maria Ruiz Machuca and Edilson Ramos Gomes

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
What is the best possible response of plants to combined stresses? Indeed the simplest one

Carillo P

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Polyamines and flavonoids of bee pollen with anti-tyrosinase and antioxidant activity

Mi Kyeong Lee and Seon Beom Kim

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Cytotoxic, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities of selected Algerian medicinal plants: From traditional use to scientific validation

Djebbar Atmani, Imane Charid, Saliha Remila, Kenza Moulaoui, Dina Atmani Kilani, Naima Saidène, Stefanie Schrauwen, Sandra Tuyaerts, Frederic
Amant and Jean-Louis Connat

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Anti-ulcer activities of a local plant from Algeria, Clematis flammula

Atmani Dina, Tahiri Ouahiba, Debbache-Benaida Nadjet, Ayouni Karima, Berboucha Meriem, Saidene Naima, Charid Imene, Frederic Amant and
Stefanie Schrauwen

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) gibberellin metabolic genes: stem elongation and abiotic stress response

Yuchan Zhou and Steven J R Underhill

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Arabidopsis root formation is altered by cadmium and arsenic

Laura Fattorini, Marilena Ronzan, Diego Piacentini, Federica Della Rovere, Ilaria Buran, Adriano Sofo, Maria Maddalena Altamura and Giuseppina Falasca

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Production of marker-free transgenic tomato and apple plants using inducible site-specific recombinase and a bifunctional selectable gene

Sergey Dolgov, Vadim Timerbaev and Tatyana Mitiouchkina

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Determination of polyphenol composition in Hevea brasiliensis and rubber-processing effluent via spectrophotometry and spectroscopy analysis

Aidilla Mubarak, Azmi Ismun, Shamsul Bahri Abd Razak and Marinah Mohd Ariffin

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Differential localization of ethylene receptor OsERS1 and OsETR2 in rice and the expression of OsETR2 during submergence

Wing Kin Yip and Manda Yu

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Salt management of irrigated soils

Leon D van Rensburg

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Effects of acute ozone exposure on the release of stress volatiles, and the expression of a monoterpene synthase gene in Nicotiana tabacum leaves through recovery

Arooran Kanagendran, Leila Pazouki, Shuai Li and Ülo Niinemets

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Study of the mechanisms underlying tomato innate immunity mediated by two Bwr12 genes

Chiu-Ping Cheng and Ching-Jung Lin

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Indole-3-butyric acid promotes adventitious rooting in Arabidopsis thin cell layers

Federica Della Rovere, Laura Fattorini, Angela Veloccia, Simone D’Angeli, Giuseppina Falasca and Maria Maddalena Altamura

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Complementary interaction of two starch biosynthesis genes confers a mild sugary endosperm in rice

Hee-Jong Koh, Yunjoo Lee, Su Jang, Mi-Ra Yoon, Backki Kim, Rihua Piao, Mi-Ok Woo and Joong Hyoun Chin

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Regulation of floral terpenoid emission and biosynthesis in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Jiayan Ye

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
The Roc10, a rice HD-Zip transcription factor gene, modulates lignin biosynthesis for drought tolerance

Ju-Kon Kim and Seung Woon Bang

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Analysis of OsmiR399 expression and down-regulation of LTN1 in rice

Minkyun Kim

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Stomata closure and pre-exposure to low-level O3 protect leaves against high-level O3-induced damage in Phaseolus vulgaris

Shuai Li, Peter C Harley and Ulo Niinemets

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Arsenic and cadmium affect the crosstalk between auxin and jasmonate in Oryza sativa L

Marilena Ronzan

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Glandular trichomes as a barrier against atmospheric oxidative stress

Shuai Li, Tiina Tosens, Peter C Harley, Yifan Jiang, Arooran Kanagendran, Kristen Jaamets and Ulo Niinemets

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Nitrogen transformation characters in soil, use efficiency and rice grain yield as affected by soil aeration

Lianfeng Zhu, Jijie Hu, Junhua Zhang and Qianyu Jin

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
To flower or not to flower ? The crucial decision of Lilium longiflorum bulbs

Silit Lazare

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Barley stem reserves and yield maintenance under terminal drought: molecular dissection of fructan biosynthesis and remobilization

Zahra Sadat Shobbar, Maryam Shahbazi and Razieh Sarabadani Tafreshi

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Germplasm identification and salinity-tolerant gene isolation on G. hirsutum L.

Ye Wu-wei, Wang Jun-juan, Wang De-long, Fan Wei-li, Wang Shuai, Guo Lixue, Guo Xiaoning, Song Liyan, Zhang Lina, Zhou Kai, Lu Xu-ke, Song Guifan and
Wang Xiaoge

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Performance of rice varieties under rainfed condition in wet and dry tropics of Queensland, Australia

Sachesh Silwal, Surya Bhattarai and David Midmore

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Phytochemical screening and in vitro free radical scavenging activity of different solvent extracts from Convolvulus virgatus Boiss

Taoufik Saleh Ksiksi and Karthishwaran Kandhan

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Construct a high-density genetic map in upland cotton and its application to genetic regulation analysis for yield and fiber quality traits

Youlu Yuan, Zhen Zhang, Wankui Gong Haihong Shang, Long Huang, Li Chen, Yuzhen Shi, Junwen Li, Qun Ge, Juwu Gong, Aiying Liu, Yanling
Wang, Dan Wang, KoffiKibalou Palanga, Jamshed Muhammad, Weijie Li,Quanwei Lu, Xiaoying Deng, Yunna Tan, Weiwu Song, Juan Cai, Pengtao Li
and Harun or Ras

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
NPR1 mediated the cross talk between salicylate- and jasmonate- mediated pathways in Carica papaya in response to Phytophthora palmivora

Rui Zong Jia, Ricelle A. Agbayani, Maya Paidi, Heather McCafferty, Qing X. Li, An Ping Guo and Yun J. Zhu

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Functional analysis of AlSAP domains A20/AN1 in abiotic stress tolerance mechanism

Omar M Azab, Rania Ben Saad, Walid Ben Ramdhan, Emmanuel Guiderdoni and Afif Hassairi

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J Plant Physiol Pathol
Phylogenetic study of indigenous pulses based on morphological and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker

Filemon Yusuf, Sobir and Syarif Iis Aisya

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