European Congress on Laser, Optics and Photonics - November 24-25, 2022 | Webinar

November 24-25, 2022 | Webinar

ScientificTracks Abstracts

Res J Opt Photonics
Adaptive quantum approximate optimization algorithm for solving combinatorial problems on a quantum computer

Linghua Zhu

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Res J Opt Photonics
Advanced methods of optical fibre probes machining for holographic micro-endoscopy

Miroslav Stiburek

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Res J Opt Photonics
Comparison of the effects of high-power diode laser and electrocautery for lingual frenectomy in infants

Adriana Mazzoni

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Res J Opt Photonics

Jay Robles Pecharroman

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Res J Opt Photonics
Laser-induced plasma deposition of magnesium alloys for surface structuring and thin-film coating: A comparison of with and without of Transverse Agnetic Field (TMF)

Asadullah Dawood

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Res J Opt Photonics
Lasers in live cell microscopy

Herbert Schneckenburger

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Res J Opt Photonics
Monitoring folds localization in ultra-thin transition metal dichalcogenides using Optical Harmonic Generation

Ahmed Raza Khan

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Res J Opt Photonics
Non-Hermitian sensing in photonics and electronics

Francesco De Leonardis

Res J Opt Photonics
Observation of coherent perfect absorption in transparent thin films using a white light source

Takayoashi Kobayashi

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Res J Opt Photonics
Proposal for complete characterization method of attosecond pulse from relativistic plasmas

Chaoneng Wu

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Res J Opt Photonics
Role of laser ablation in the management of primary liver tumors

Hamzah Adwan

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