International Conference on BIOFUELS & BIOENERGY

July 16-17, 2018 | Madrid, Spain

ScientificTracks Abstracts

Expert Opin Environ Biol
Diesel-biodiesel fuel exhaust gas-reformer for on-board H2 production to improve the HC-SCR catalyst NOx reduction activity

Ahmad M Abu-Jrai

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Production of platform chemicals from sustainable exploitation of biomasses

Claudia Antonetti, Licursi D, Fulignati S, Rivas S, Parajo JC, Heeres HJ and Raspolli Galletti AM

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
The effect of changing compression ratio on the performance of a single cylinder SI (spark ignition) engine fueled with unleaded gasoline and bio ethanol at various blend ratios

Ahmad O Hasan and A Abu-jrai

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass using fenton, ozone and peroxone process: Impact on enhancement of reducing sugar concentration and biogas production

Sameena N Malik, Krishna Madhu and Atul N Vaidya

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
A study on the utilization of waste biomass available in N.E. India for Syn-Gas Generation

Harjeet Nath and Sumata D

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Expert Opin Environ Biol
Development of biodiesel production from brown grease

Mirit Kolet, Faina Nakonechny and Marina Nisnevitch

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