Journal of Pharmaceutics & Drug Delivery ResearchISSN: 2325-9604

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Research Article, J Pharm Drug Deliv Res Vol: 3 Issue: 2

Comparative Evaluation of Hypoglycemic Potentials of Eucalyptus Spp. Leaf Extracts and their Encapsulations for Controlled Delivery

Baishakhi Dey1, Prakash Katakam2, Analava Mitra1* and Babu Rao Chandu2
1School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT Kharaghpur, India
2Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Zawiya, Al-Zawiya, Libya
Corresponding author : Analava Mitra, MBBS, PhD
School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT Kharaghpur, 721302, India
Tel: +91-9475258298; Fax: +91-32-22279970
Received: July 5, 2013 Accepted: June 23, 2014 Published: June 26, 2014
Citation: Dey B, Katakam P, Mitra A, Chandu BR (2014) Comparative Evaluation of Hypoglycemic Potentials of Eucalyptus Spp. Leaf Extracts and their Encapsulations for Controlled Delivery. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 3:2. doi:2325-9604.1000122


 Eucalyptus is well represented in different Pharmacopeias for its variant pharmacology and depicts a wide range of photochemicals like triterpenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, gallotannins and macrocarpals both in its volatile and nonvolatile fractions. Hot aqueous leaf decoctions of Eucalyptus have been recommended as ‘herbal tea’ in different regions of world for its hypoglycemic potentials. However lack of definitive dosage formulations of Eucalyptus bioactive, side effects like nausea, vomiting, gastric irritation, organoleptic unacceptability have limited its application; besides data on toxicology and posology being inconsistent and variant. In the current research work firstly comparative evaluations of hypoglycemic potentials amongst three Eucalyptus spp. E. globulus, E. citriodora, E. camaldulensis have been done by in vitro a-glucosidase assay


Keywords: Phytochemicals; Emulsification; Hypoglycemic; Toxicology; Posology; Microencapsulation; Liquid orifice; Diffusion; Mucoadhesivity.

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