Citiation Vegetos international plant research
Articles published in VEGETOS: An International Journal of Plant Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. VEGETOS: An International Journal of Plant Research has got h-index 23, which means every article in VEGETOS: An International Journal of Plant Research has got 23 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in VEGETOS: An International Journal of Plant Research.
Journal total citations count | 2841 |
Journal Impact Factor | 32.48 |
Journal 5 years Impact Factor | 82.81 |
Journal CiteScore | 68.71 |
Journal h-index | 23 |
Journal h-index since 2017 | 19 |
Ivanov BB, Alexandrov V (2016) Pulsating MULTIDIMENSIONAL ecological niche PLANTS: expanding the scope concepts |
Vlasak J, Cvrckova H, Machova P, Mala J (2016) Chloroplast trnD-trnT Region Sequencing for Quick Haplotyping of Oak Populations. VEGETOS |