Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research

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Citiation Neuroscience clinical research

Articles published in Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research has got h-index 5, which means every article in Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research has got 5 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Total published articles

23 42 19 30 22 7 6 5 5

Research, Review articles and Editorials

2 2 5 6 6 0 0 0 0

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

20 36 13 12 3 0 0 0 0

Conference proceedings

5 0 23 0 0 45 18 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

3 12 9 13 11 16 16 3 5
Journal total citations count 92
Journal Impact Factor 0.47
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 0.82
Journal CiteScore 0.67
Journal h-index 5
Journal h-index since 2017 4

Jo Williams (2016) No one wants to talk about this.

Scott W McMahon (2016) An Evaluation of Alternate Means to Diagnose Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and Determine Prevalence.

Fabienne Giuliani, Béatrice Couchepin Marchetti, Viviane Perrenoud, Pierre El Korh (2016) Is Storytelling Therapy Useful for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Severe Mental Retardation? Adv Tech Biol Med 4: 166.

Fabienne Giuliani, Pierre El Korh (2016) Social Skills Group For Adults Living With Asperger's Syndrome. Clinical Psychiatry 2: 3.

Pierre El korh, Fabienne Giuliani (2016) CBT of a Person Living in a Situation of Mental Handicap and Presenting an Anxiety Disorder Coupled with a Specific Phobia. Clinical Psychiatry 2: 7.

Fabienne Giuliani, Pierre El Korh(2015) Social Skills Group for Adults Living with Intellectual Disabilities. Clinical Psychiatry 2: 2.

Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Reduction in Forebrain Parenchymal and Cortical Grey Matter Swelling across Treatment Groups in Patients with Inflammatory Illness Acquired Following Exposure to Water-Damaged
Reduction in Forebrain Parenchymal and Cortical Grey Matter Swelling across Treatment Groups in Patients with Inflammatory Illness Acquired Following Exposure to Water-Damaged
Reduction in Forebrain Parenchymal and Cortical Grey Matter Swelling across Treatment Groups in Patients with Inflammatory Illness Acquired Following Exposure to Water-Damaged
Reduction in Forebrain Parenchymal and Cortical Grey Matter Swelling across Treatment Groups in Patients with Inflammatory Illness Acquired Following Exposure to Water-Damaged
Reduction in Forebrain Parenchymal and Cortical Grey Matter Swelling across Treatment Groups in Patients with Inflammatory Illness Acquired Following Exposure to Water-Damaged
Reduction in Forebrain Parenchymal and Cortical Grey Matter Swelling across Treatment Groups in Patients with Inflammatory Illness Acquired Following Exposure to Water-Damaged
Neurologic complications of acute influenza in adults: case report and review of the literature
Neurologic complications of acute influenza in adults: case report and review of the literature
Neurologic complications of acute influenza in adults: case report and review of the literature
Neurologic complications of acute influenza in adults: case report and review of the literature
Neurologic complications of acute influenza in adults: case report and review of the literature
The thermodynamic analysis of neural computation
Neuroboriellosis and associated myoclonus in a patient with Kartegener’s Syndrome
Neuroboriellosis and associated myoclonus in a patient with Kartegener’s Syndrome
Assessment of Endovascular Coiling versus Neurosurgical Clipping of Intracranial Aneurysms in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Assessment of Endovascular Coiling versus Neurosurgical Clipping of Intracranial Aneurysms in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Effect of Ramadan fasting on cognitive functions using p300 event related potential and the cancellation test
Biological mechanism of cochlear implant technology in humans
Case Report: Using Eye-Tracking as Support for the TEACCH Program and Two Teenagers with Autism-Spectrum Disorders
Case Report: Using Eye-Tracking as Support for the TEACCH Program and Two Teenagers with Autism-Spectrum Disorders
Case Report: Using Eye-Tracking as Support for the TEACCH Program and Two Teenagers with Autism-Spectrum Disorders

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