International Journal of Mental Health & PsychiatryISSN: 2471-4372

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Articles published in International Journal of Mental Health & Psychiatry have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Mental Health & Psychiatry has got h-index 11, which means every article in International Journal of Mental Health & Psychiatry has got 11 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Mental Health & Psychiatry.

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40 35 14 30 49 29 11 17 26 14 4 4

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1 13 5 19 18 22 8 16 25 12 3 4

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Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

20 34 13 30 25 32 26 26 4 6 1 1
Journal total citations count 325
Journal Impact Factor 2.12
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 1.77
Journal CiteScore 1.68
Journal h-index 11
Journal h-index since 2017 10
Keiko Ikemoto (2015) Catastrophe of Japanese Psychiatric Brainbank-in Case of Fukushima. J Psychiatry 18:259
John A. Wheeler (2016) Trauma and Mental Health: The Development, Treatment, and Future of. Portland State University.1-31
Amina Saïd Chiré and Bezunesh Tamru (2016)Migrants return to the Horn of Africa Towards a social transformation of emitting spaces: the Ethiopian case. 37
Erdem A, Bardakci S, Erdem S (2016)Receiving Online Psychological Counseling and its Causes: A Structural Equation Model.Curr Psychol 1-11.

"Chauhan A (2014) Evaluating Depression and its Causes by Astrology. J Psychother Psychol Disor 2:1-5. "

"Chauhan A (2015)Co-relating the Sexual Behaviour and Abnormal Sexual Orientation (Psychological Disorder) to Astrology. Int J Ment Health Psychiatry 1. "
Prevalence of pregabalin (Lyrica) abuse among healthcare professionals in Asser Province Saudi Arabia
Prevalence of pregabalin (Lyrica) abuse among healthcare professionals in Asser Province Saudi Arabia
Concepts pf Transgenerational and Genocidal Trauma and the Survivors of ISIS Terror in Yazidi Communities and Treatment Possibilities
Concepts pf Transgenerational and Genocidal Trauma and the Survivors of ISIS Terror in Yazidi Communities and Treatment Possibilities
Concepts pf Transgenerational and Genocidal Trauma and the Survivors of ISIS Terror in Yazidi Communities and Treatment Possibilities
Underreporting bullying and harassment perceived by undergraduate nursing students: a descriptive correlation study
Prevalence of common mental disorders and associated factors among prisoners in Debre Markos Town Correctional Institution, North-West, Ethiopia
Underreporting bullying and harassment perceived by undergraduate nursing students: a descriptive correlation study
Prevalence of common mental disorders and associated factors among prisoners in Debre Markos Town Correctional Institution, North-West, Ethiopia
Underreporting bullying and harassment perceived by undergraduate nursing students: a descriptive correlation study
Prevalence of common mental disorders and associated factors among prisoners in Debre Markos Town Correctional Institution, North-West, Ethiopia
Underreporting bullying and harassment perceived by undergraduate nursing students: a descriptive correlation study
Prevalence of common mental disorders and associated factors among prisoners in Debre Markos Town Correctional Institution, North-West, Ethiopia
Underreporting bullying and harassment perceived by undergraduate nursing students: a descriptive correlation study
Underreporting bullying and harassment perceived by undergraduate nursing students: a descriptive correlation study
Psycho-emotional factors and their role in craniomandibular disorders
Psycho-emotional factors and their role in craniomandibular disorders
Progression of autism in a young woman with CHARGE syndrome: a longitudinal follow-up from birth
Validity and reliability of the Greek version of the ZBI in informal carers of adults with intellectual disabilities
Validity and reliability of the Greek version of the ZBI in informal carers of adults with intellectual disabilities
Validity and reliability of the Greek version of the ZBI in informal carers of adults with intellectual disabilities
Co-relating the Sexual Behaviour and Abnormal Sexual Orientation (Psychological Disorder) to Astrology
Understanding the mental health of rural young adults: risk and protective factors
Understanding the mental health of rural young adults: risk and protective factors
Understanding the mental health of rural young adults: risk and protective factors
Understanding the mental health of rural young adults: risk and protective factors
Understanding the mental health of rural young adults: risk and protective factors
Understanding the mental health of rural young adults: risk and protective factors
The Quality of Sleep, Burden of Care and Psychological Distress in Caregivers of Patients with Stroke
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults with multiple sclerosis
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults with multiple sclerosis
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults with multiple sclerosis
Assessing Maladaptive Cognitive Schemas as Predictors of Murder
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults with multiple sclerosis
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults with multiple sclerosis
An observational study on the parameters influencing the duration of forensic medicine expert reports in assessment of inmates' health status in view of …
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults with multiple sclerosis
Frotteuristic Disorder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Paraphilias and paraphilic behaviours
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
The relationship between personality disorders and domestic violence in forensic context
„Psychopathological Personality Traits and Decision Making in the Act of Murder”
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Incarcerated Mothers. A Psychosocial Perspective
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
on Legal Medicine from Cluj
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
The Portrait of Inmate Mothers from Romanian Prisons–Case Study
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Perju Dumbrava D.,(2020).„Containment of Psychiatric Patients Admitted to Psychiatric and Safety Measures Hospitals–Comparative Analysis”
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Etiological Factors of Psychological Nature in Sexual Dysfunctions
Psychopathological Personality Traits and Decision Making in the Act of Murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Psycho-Social Factors of Juvenile Delinquency
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Alternate Remedies for Depression Based on the Principles of Red Book Astrology
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Astrology: A Scientific Purview
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Group music therapy with uprooted teenagers: The Importance of structure
Trauma and Mental Health: The Development, Treatment, and Future of
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Catastrophe of Japanese Psychiatric Brainbank-in Case of Fukushima. J Psychiatry 18: 259 doi: 10.4172
Japanese Psychiatric Brain Bank and Human Right 18: 260 doi: 10.4172
A qualitative study of attitude towards people with mental illness among nurses in Saudi Arabia
Contributing risk factors for substance use among youth in postconflict Liberia
The impact of transactional sex with teachers on public school students in Monrovia, Liberia–A brief report
A qualitative investigation of the perceived role of peers in influencing substance use among youth in Monrovia, Liberia
Drug and substance abuse in Anglophone West Africa: a mini review
Substance Use Among Refugee and Conflict-Affected Children and Adolescents
The National Policy of Drug Abuse Management in Schools in South Africa: Unknown and Unimplemented
Current state of the literature on mental health in Liberia: A systematic review
Exploring the perceived effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy as a treatment model for substance use disorders with co-occurring disorders at …
The impact of transactional sex with teachers on public school students in Monrovia, Liberia–
Assessment of Alcohol Use Control Programs in Public and Private Secondary Schools in Lofa County, Liberia: Cross-sectional Study
Towards a better understanding of attitudes and beliefs held by traditional healers and recipients of traditional medicine concerning mental health conditions in post …
Gender differences in impulsivity of e-commerce online purchase intention among UTAR students: conscientiousness, negative emotionality and extraversion as covariates
Physical & Mental Health for Indian Classical Dance
Juvenile delinquency within the forensic context
Juvenile delinquency in light of data recorded at the Institute of Forensic Medicine
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder
Assessing maladaptive cognitive schemas as predictors of murder

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