Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic EngineeringISSN: 2325-9647

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Articles published in Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering has got h-index 12, which means every article in Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering has got 12 average citations.

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61 56 38 59 25 19 11 13 20 11 6 9 4

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3 4 4 41 24 26 10 13 20 11 5 9 1

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40 56 35 59 29 44 30 34 18 14 11 1 1
Journal total citations count 394
Journal Impact Factor 0.99
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 1.39
Journal CiteScore 1.29
Journal h-index 12
Journal h-index since 2017 9

Azimi SMT, Ghadimi P, Nowruzi H (2014) Numerical Modeling of Tsunami-Like Solitary Wave Impinging and Overtopping a Seawall through SPH Schemes by Considering the Effect of Entrapped Air. J Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 3:2.

Ortiz-Hernández J, Lucho-Constantino C, Lizárraga-Mendiola L, Beltrán-Hernández RI, Coronel-Olivares C, et al. (2016) Quality of Urban Runoff in Wet and Dry Seasons: A Case Study in A Semi-Arid Zone. Environ Sci Pollut Res 23: 25156-25168.

Rehman F, Cheema T, Abuelnaga HSO, Harbi HM, Atef AH, et al. (2016) Interpretation of Groundwater Chemistry Data using Multivariate Statistical Techniques. Global NEST Journal 18: 665-673.

Chen X, Kumar M, Wang R, Winstrala A, Marks D (2016) Assessment of the Timing of Daily Peak Streamflow during the Melt Season in a Snow-Dominated Watershed. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 17: 2225–2244.

Ajami H, Khan U, Tuteja NK, Sharma A (2016) Development of a Computationally Efficient Semi-Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Application for Soil Moisture, Lateral Flow and Runoff Simulation. Environ Modell Software 85: 319-331.

Yu X, Duffy C, Zhang Y, Bhatt G, Shi Y (2016) Virtual Experiments Guide Calibration Strategies for a Real-World Watershed Application of Coupled Surface-Subsurface Modeling. J Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 21: 11.
Wang R, Kumar M, Link TE (2016) Potential Trends in Snowmelt-Generated Peak streamflows in a Warming Climate. Geophys Res Lett 43: 5052-5059.

Yu X, Duffy CJ, Rousseau AN, Bhatt G, Álvarez ÁP, et al. (2016) Open Science in Practice: Learning Integrated Modeling of Coupled Surface-Subsurface Flow Processes from Scratch. Earth Space Sci 3: 190-206.

Liu Y, Kumar M (2016) Role of Meteorological Controls on Interannual Variations in Wet-Period Characteristics of Wetlands. Water Resour Res 52: 5056-5074.

Boum-Nkot NS, Ketchemen-Tandia B, Ndje Y, Emvouttou H, Ebonji CR, et al. (2015) Origin of Mineralization of Groundwater in the Tongo Bassa Watershed (Douala-Cameroon). Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 7: 29-41.

Wave run up and reflection on tridimensional virtual breakwater
Simulation of flow within armour blocks in a breakwater
Numerical wave interaction with tetrapods breakwater
Rubble mound breakwater overtopping estimation of the reliability of a 3D numerical simulation
Rubble mound breakwater: run-up, reflection and overtopping by numerical 3D simulation
Comparison of numerical and experimental results for overtopping discharge of the OBREC wave energy converter
Simulating three dimensional wave run-up over breakwaters covered by antifer units
A CFD approach to rubble mound breakwater design
A numerical method to analyze the interaction between sea waves and rubble mound emerged breakwaters
A numerical method to analyze the interaction between sea waves and rubble mound emerged breakwaters
A numerical investigation of the interaction between debris flows and defense barriers
Investigating the effect of wave parameters on wave runup
Effect of hydraulic and structural parameters on the wave run-up over the berm breakwaters
Numerical Modelling of Wave Run-up with Interaction Between Wave and Dolosse Breakwater
The Distribution of Armour on Seawalls and Breakwaters: The Case for Tapered Surcharge
Enhancing an analysis method of compound flooding in coastal areas by linking flow simulation models of coasts and watershed
Application of neural network models to improve prediction accuracy of wave run-up on antifer covered breakwater
A numerical study of liquid impact on inclined surfaces.
Seabed Scour Around a Breakwater a Case Study in Mailiao Harbor
The integration of two stand-alone codes to simulate fluid-structure interaction in breakwaters
A three-dimensional numerical model for evaluation of seabed scour potential around a breakwater in Mailiao
Pemodelan Numerik Run Up dan Overtopping Struktur Seawall Buis Beton
Pemodelan Numerik Run Up dan Overtopping Struktur Seawall Buis Beton
Un approccio numerico allo studio del moto ondoso all'interno di barriere frangiflutti virtuali e della stabilità della mantellata
Nitrate contamination of groundwater in Ambohidrapeto–Antananarivo-Madagascar using hydrochemistry and multivariate analysis
Impact assessment of groundwater quality using WQI and geospatial tools: A case study of Islamkot, Tharparkar, Pakistan
Assessment of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation uses in taluka Ratodero, district Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
Spatial variability and hydrogeochemical characterisation of groundwaters in Larkana of Sindh, Pakistan
Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater from taluka Dahili, Thar Desert, Pakistan, for irrigation purpose using water quality indices
Assessment of variation in water quality at Right Bank Outfall Drain, including Manchar lake, Sindh, Pakistan
An Application of WQI and Correlation Matrix to Evaluate Groundwater Quality Around Brick Kilns of Loralai District Balochistan
Meta-analysis and risk assessment of fluoride contamination in groundwater
Evaluation of hydrochemistry of the Dokri groundwater, including historical site Mohenjo-Daro, Sindh, Pakistan
Groundwater investigation of the artesian wells on the palaeochannels in parts of the Great Rann of Kachchh, Gujarat, India, using remote sensing and geophysical techniques
An integrated approach for aquifer characterization and groundwater productivity evaluation in the Lake Haramaya watershed, Ethiopia
 Water quality analysis evaluation using graphical methods: a case of lake Beseka, Ethiopia
Design and Evaluation of Household Horizontal Slow Sand Filter
Diagnosing the suitability of lake water for domestic and agricultural uses: a case study in eastern Ethiopia
Groundwater level trend analysis using the statistical auto-regressive HARTT method
Analysis and evaluation of the spatial and temporal variabilities of river water quality parameters
Climate Change Impact on Flood Frequency and Source Area in Northern Iran under CMIP5 Scenarios
Coupling SWAT and bathymetric data in modelling reservoir catchment hydrology
Modeling Stream Flow Using SWAT Model in the Bina River Basin, India
Uncertainty Analysis of Dominating Hydrological Parameters in Diverse Hydrometeorological Micro-Watersheds in Krishna Basin, India.
Runoff simulation using the SWAT model and SUFI-2 algorithm in Ghod catchment of upper Bhima river basin
On Accounting for Evaporation or Infiltration Free Surface in Some Problems of Filtration Theory
About Some Problems of Filtration Theory
About Some Problems of Filtration Theory
Trace Metals in Groundwater of Kumba and Environs in Cameroon
Groundwater Monitoring in the Gneisso-Basaltic Fractured Rock Aquiferous Formations of Kumba, Southwest Region Cameroon: Seasonal Variations
Modelado Hidrológico de la precipitación-escorrentía en una microcuenca agrícola del Partido de Azul, Buenos Aires
Conceptual Framework of Effective Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System in Nepal: A Case Study of Koshi River Basin.
Quantitative assessment of water resources by the method of the hydrological balance in the Kadey catchment area (East-Cameroon)
Groundwater for Sustainable Development
New Concepts for Water Well Screen Opening and Gravel Pack Size
Wave run-up prediction on antifer armor using neural network method
A 3-D Current Model for Potential Scouring of Seabed around a Breakwater in Port of Taichung
simulating three dimensional wave run-up over breakwaters covered by antifer units
simulating three dimensional wave run-up over breakwaters covered by antifer units

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