Journal of Clinical & Experimental OncologyISSN: 2324-9110

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Journal h-index 14
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Herrmann J, Lerman A, Sandhu NP, Villarraga HR, Mulvagh SL, et al.(2014) Evaluation and management of patients with heart disease and cancer: cardio-oncology. InMayo Clinic Proceedings 89: 1287-1306.

Barros-Gomes S, Herrmann J, Mulvagh SL, Lerman A, Lin G, et al.(2016) Rationale for setting up a cardio-oncology unit: our experience at Mayo Clinic. Cardio-Oncology. 2: 5.

Yutaka Yonemura, Akira Mizumoto, Masamitsu Hirano, Koichi Noguchi (2016) Comprehensive treatment aiming at curing against peritoneal dissemination of colorectal cancer Journal of the Japanese Colorectomy Association. 69 : 135-46.

Nhola LF, Villarraga H (2017) Rationale for Cardio-Oncology Units. Revista Española de Cardiología.

Ralapanawe S, Walkden-Brown SW, Renz KG, Islam AF (2016) Protection provided by Rispens CVI988 vaccine against Marek's disease virus isolates of different pathotypes and early prediction of vaccine take and MD outcome. Avian Pathology. 45: 26-37.

Pereira JF, Awatade NT, Loureiro CA, Matos P, Amaral MD, et al. (2016)The third dimension: new developments in cell culture models for colorectal research. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 73: 3971-3989.

Kaur J, Kaur H (2015) Advantages and effectiveness of bacterial culture in medical laboratories. International Journal. 3:1028-1039.

Soon CF, Thong KT, Tee KS, Nayan N, Ahmad MK, et al.(2016) Hardware and circuit design of a vibrational cleaner. InIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.160:012085.

Pateria S, Poflee S, Gaikwad A, Bode A. Tumoral Calcinosis at Unusual Site: Diagnosis on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology.

Zhou, Q, Fan, Y, Wu, N, Huang, Y, Wang, Y, Li, L, ... & Qiao, Y. (2014). Demonstration program of population‐based lung cancer screening in C hina: Rationale and study design. Thoracic cancer, 5(3), 197-203.

Zhou, Q, Fan, Y, Wu, N, Huang, Y, Wang, Y, Li, L, ... & Qiao, Y. (2014). Demonstration program of population‐based lung cancer screening in C hina: Rationale and study design. Thoracic cancer, 5(3), 197-203.

Zhou, Q, Fan, Y, Wu, N, Huang, Y, Wang, Y, Li, L, ... & Qiao, Y. (2014). Demonstration program of population‐based lung cancer screening in C hina: Rationale and study design. Thoracic cancer, 5(3), 197-203.

Marquez, S. B. (2014). Discovery of BRM Promoter Polymorphisms: Importance in Risk Stratification and Clinical Application. Journal of Postdoctoral Research November, 17, 26.

de Lera Ruiz, M, & Kraus, R. L. (2015). Voltage-gated sodium channels: structure, function, pharmacology, and clinical indications. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 58(18), 7093-7118.

Roger, S, Gillet, L, Le Guennec, J. Y, & Besson, P. (2015). Voltage-gated sodium channels and cancer: is excitability their primary role?. Frontiers in pharmacology, 6, 152.

Zostawa, J, Adamczyk, J, Sowa, P, & Adamczyk-Sowa, M. (2017). The influence of sodium on pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis. Neurological Sciences, 38(3), 389-398.

Yu, L, Toriseva, M, Tuomala, M, Seikkula, H, Elo, T, Tuomela, J, ... & Alanen, K. (2016). Increased expression of fibroblast growth factor 13 in prostate cancer is associated with shortened time to biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. International journal of cancer, 139(1), 140-152.

Iamshanova, O, Mariot, P, Lehen’Kyi, V. Y, & Prevarskaya, N. (2016). Comparison of fluorescence probes for intracellular sodium imaging in prostate cancer cell lines. European Biophysics Journal, 45(7), 765-777.

周蕊, 卢宗亮, 刘凯, 杨柳娜, 胡叶敏, 常徽, ... & 许红霞. (2014). 人工合成钠离子通道阻断剂抑制前列腺癌细胞的生长及侵袭. Ã§Â¬Â¬Ã¤Â¸â€°Ã¥â€ â€ºÃ¥Å’»å¤§å­¦å­¦æŠ¥, 36(5), 422-426.

Yu, L. (2016). Role of fibroblast growth factors and their receptors in prostate cancer.

Yapa, K. T, Deuis, J, Peters, A. A, Kenny, P. A, Roberts-Thomson, S. J, Vetter, I, & Monteith, G. R. (2018). Assessment of the TRPM8 inhibitor AMTB in breast cancer cells and its identification as an inhibitor of voltage gated sodium channels. Life sciences, 198, 128-135.

Ceniccola, K. E. (2014). The Glucagon Receptor Functions as a Tumor Suppressor in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University).

Zhong, L, Zhang, X, & Covasa, M. (2014). Emerging roles of lactic acid bacteria in protection against colorectal cancer. World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG, 20(24), 7878.

Ambalam, P, Raman, M, Purama, R. K, & Doble, M. (2016). Probiotics, prebiotics and colorectal cancer prevention. Best practice & research Clinical gastroenterology, 30(1), 119-131.

Saber, A, Alipour, B, Faghfoori, Z, & Yari Khosroushahi, A. (2017). Cellular and molecular effects of yeast probiotics on cancer. Critical reviews in microbiology, 43(1), 96-115.

Dasari, S, Kathera, C, Janardhan, A, Kumar, A. P, & Viswanath, B. (2017). Surfacing role of probiotics in cancer prophylaxis and therapy: A systematic review. Clinical Nutrition, 36(6), 1465-1472.

Sharifi, M, Moridnia, A, Mortazavi, D, Salehi, M, Bagheri, M, & Sheikhi, A. (2017). Kefir: a powerful probiotics with anticancer properties. Medical Oncology, 34(11), 183.

Sharifi, M, Moridnia, A, Mortazavi, D, Salehi, M, Bagheri, M, & Sheikhi, A. (2017). Kefir: a powerful probiotics with anticancer properties. Medical Oncology, 34(11), 183.

Nair, N, Kasai, T, & Seno, M. (2014). Bacteria: Prospective savior in battle against cancer. Anticancer research, 34(11), 6289-6296.

Dhama, K, K Latheef, S, K Munjal, A, Khandia, R, A Samad, H, MN Iqbal, H, & K Joshi, S. (2016). Probiotics in curing allergic and inflammatory conditions-Research Progress and futuristic vision. Recent patents on inflammation & allergy drug discovery, 10(2), 105-118.

Abd El Ghany, K, Hamouda, R, Abd Elhafez, E, Mahrous, H, Salem-Bekhit, M, & Hamza, H. A. (2015). A potential role of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA1 and its exopolysaccharides on cancer cells in male albino mice. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 29(5), 977-983.

Rasouli, B. S, Ghadimi-Darsajini, A, Nekouian, R, & Iragian, G. R. (2017). In vitro activity of probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri against gastric cancer progression by downregulation of urokinase plasminogen activator/urokinase plasminogen activator receptor gene expression. Journal of cancer research and therapeutics, 13(2), 246.

Kumar, R, & Dhanda, S. (2017). Mechanistic insight of probiotics derived anticancer pharmaceuticals: a road forward for cancer therapeutics. Nutrition and cancer, 69(3), 375-380.

Cancer Metastasis and its Suppressor Genes
Cancer Metastasis and its Suppressor Genes
Cancer Metastasis and its Suppressor Genes
Presence of EBV and HPV Infection in Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma in the Uterine Cervix
Twists and turns from “tumor in tumor” profiling: surveillance of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) leads to detection of a lung adenocarcinoma, whose genomic characterization alters the original hematologic diagnosis
Histopathological study of verrucous lesions and its mimics
Polarized Light-Based Cancer Cell Detection Techniques: A Review
Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Signaling and Metabolism in Chemoprevention and Chemoresistance in Colon Cancer
HOX Transcript Antisense RNA HOTAIR Abrogates Vasculogenic Mimicry by Targeting the AngiomiR-204/FAK Axis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells
Prognostic value of des-?-carboxy prothrombin in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated with transarterial chemotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Prognostic value of des-?-carboxy prothrombin in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated with transarterial chemotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Endometrioid adenokarsinom tan?l? postoperatif radyoterapi alan olgularda mikrosatellit instabilitesi (MSI) varl???n?n prognostik öneminin ara?t?r?lmas?
Role of Antioxidants on Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders
Cancer Metastasis and its Suppressor Genes
Lipid metabolism and cancer progression: The missing target in metastatic cancer treatment
A review article on lung cancer diagnosis and treatment
A “triple whammy” in adenocarcinoma lung
Development of flexible microwave antennas for breast cancer imaging system
Typhoid and it's health effects-A Review
Cancer Metastasis and its Suppressor Genes
Palatin tonsilde nadir görülen kitle: Schwannoma
Role of Antioxidants on Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
A review article on lung cancer diagnosis and treatment
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
Cancer Metastasis and its Suppressor Genes
Typhoid and it's health effects-A Review
A Review on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and its Applications
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
A Review on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and its Applications
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
Is there an association between mean platelet volume and diabetic retinopathy? A case-control study
The role of microRNA in cancer cachexia and muscle wasting: A review article
The role of microRNA in cancer cachexia and muscle wasting: A review article
Recurrence of orofacial tumours and tumour-like lesions after ablative surgery: A 15-year retrospective review of 27 cases
Odontogenic Myxoma: Clinical and Radiographic Characteristics of Two Cases
Diabetes and cancer: Debating the link through Ca2+/cAMP signalling
"Cancer and hypertension: Debating the clinical link through the Ca2+/cAMP signaling"
Conventional and Nano-Antibodies and Their Future Uses
Neoplastic Diseases: A Mini-Review
A Review on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and its Applications
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
In vitro evaluation and molecular docking of QS-21 and quillaic acid from Quillaja saponaria Molina as gastric cancer agents
In vitro evaluation and molecular docking of QS-21 and quillaic acid from Quillaja saponaria Molina as gastric cancer agents
A Review on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and its Applications
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
A Review on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and its Applications
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
A Review on Genetic Disorders and Syndromes
Cancer Metastasis and its Suppressor Genes
A Review on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and its Applications
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
Cancer Metastasis and its Suppressor Genes
A Review on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and its Applications
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
Visfatin and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Pathogenetic Implications and Clinical Utility
Cancer Metastasis and its Suppressor Genes
Vitamin B3 forms as precursors to NAD+: are they safe?
A Review on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and its Applications
Role of hydroxysteroid (17beta) dehydrogenase type 1 in reproductive tissues and hormone-dependent diseases
A Review on Nanomedicine in the Cancer Therapy
NAD-and NADPH-contributing enzymes as therapeutic targets in cancer: an overview
Marine cyclic dipeptide cyclo (L-Leu-L-Pro) protects normal breast epithelial cells from tBHP-induced oxidative damage by targeting CD151
NAD+ metabolism, stemness, the immune response, and cancer
Bioinformatics analysis of regulatory elements of the CD151 gene and insilico docking of CD151 with diallyl sulfide
Molecular modeling and in vitro study on pyrocatechol as potential pharmacophore of CD151 inhibitor

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