Journal of Computer Engineering & Information TechnologyISSN : 2324-9307

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Call for Papers

Call for Papers

In continuation with the efforts to disseminate the knowledge in the field of Computer Science, Journal of Computer Engineering & Information Technology (JCEIT) gladly announces an upcoming special issue titled: Current Research Trends in Cloud Computing.

Computing has come full circle. From centralized mainframes with timesharing capabilities, to mini computers, then to personal computers, now the trend is again shifting towards a centralized / managed / hosted computing paradigm with the increasing popularity of clusters and clouds. Virtualization allows for improved resource utilization, and with cloud, the users are being put at the center of IT by giving them the power of self-management, on demand and elastic provisioning of compute, network, and storage resources. The pay-as-you-go business model of cloud is a very powerful economic proposition for businesses to adopt cloud technologies among their existing IT mix. Both industry and academia have contributed significantly in advancing this field forward. In some areas, the body of available research work confirms the cloud paradigm itself is gradually maturing. As a result of this, many interesting application domains on top of cloud have started to emerge. Yet on the other hand a few significant concerns that have been present from the start, such as security and privacy, in users’ perception still linger on.

JCEIT invites the Eminent Researcher’s, Scientist’s, Scholar’s all over the world to exchange their ideas and recent research trends through this special issue. The special issue features Original Research Articles, Reviews, Commentaries, Case Reports, Short Notes, Rapid and/ or Short Communications, letters to the editor, Video articles, Image articles and literature reviews.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  • Cloud assisted IoT
  • Network Function Virtualization
  • Cloud Robotics
  • Federated Clouds
  • Security, Trust and Privacy issues in the Cloud
  • Cloud Computing and Big data analytics
  • Cloud Economics
  • Cloud in eHealth,eGovernance and Smart Cities
  • Standardization Efforts and Cloud Interoperability
  • Cloud Native Application Design
  • Cloud and SDN Datacenter Networking
  • Cloud and Fog Computing

Special Issue entitled "Current Research Trends in Cloud Computing; is being edited by:


Ralph Coolidge Huntsinger, California State University, USA


Dr. Piyush Harsh, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

Guest Editors:

Dr. Thomas Michael Bohnert, Professor - Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

Dr. Richard Newman, Asst. Professor, University of Florida, USA

Dr. Yacine Rebahi, Researcher, Frounhofer-Fokus, Germany

Dr. Dr. Sachin Tripathi, Asst. Professor - Indian School of Mines, India

Submission guidelines:  

  • Special issue articles can include original, unpublished research articles and reviews related to the specific theme.
  • Submission should be accompanied by a cover letter with reference to the concerned special issue topic.
  • Manuscripts can be submitted via Online Submission System or sent to mail directly at An acknowledgment letter will be issued upon successful submission of the manuscript.
  • Authors are instructed to review the author guidelines before submission.
  • Manuscripts will be accepted for publishing in the Special Issue only after getting approved by the peer review committee [selected by the Guest Editor(s)].

Deadline for submission: June 29th, 2018

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