HIV and AIDS Research Journal

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Yaya M Author


Research Article Open Access

Multiple Resistance and Unusual Mutations from HIV-1 Infecting Peruvian Patients with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy


Yabar CA, Vilcarino G, Yaya M, Espetia S, Acuña M, Mamami E, Santos D, Romero S and Bustamante FC

We have analyzed the molecular resistance profile of HIV infecting Peruvian individuals during the first three years that genotyping test was implemented free of charge. According our results, from 297 patients 80% of them were resistant to one or more antiretroviral (ART). M184V was the most frequent resistant mutation (30% for children and 26% for adults). Resistant profile revealed that children showed more resistance to 3TC / FTC (78%), while in adults it was EFV / NVP (50%). Pan-sensitive patients showed similar virological and immunological failure as those of resistant patients. We have also identified six patients showing Pan-resistance, including a 7-year-old subject. Additional sequence analysis revealed two cases of hypermutation with multiple sto... view moreĀ»

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