Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic ReportsISSN: 2327-5790

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William J. Rowe Author

Subjects of specialization
Gene Therapy

Former Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine Medical University of Ohio at Toledo USA


Mr. William J. Rowe, belongs to the department of Paediatrics, interest in the field of Gene Therapy, Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome; Mucopolysaccharidosis VI; Novel mutation; Ancestral allel, from Medicine Medical University of Ohio at Toledo


Market Analysis Open Access

Market Analysis of Genome Editing and Gene Therapy


William J. Rowe

The global genome editing market is expected to reach $3,514.08 Million by 2020 from $1,845.25 Million in 2014, at a CAGR of 13.75% between 2014 and 2020. Factors such as rapid increase in the number of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, strong trend of R&D in life science research, increasing government funding for genomics, technological advancements, increased demand for synthetic genes, and the overall rise in the production of genetically modified crops are driving the growth of the genome editing market. On the other hand, stringent regulatory policies and ethical issues are major factors restraining the growth of this market.

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